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ISN is a unique medical society – with a humanitarian mission

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1 ISN is a unique medical society – with a humanitarian mission

2 ISN Mission: Advancing the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of kidney diseases in low, middle and high resource countries

3 ISN Mission Raise public awareness Connect professionals
Support research Provide nephrology education and training worldwide Reduce the frequency and impact of kidney diseases and their associated conditions


5 Traditional Educational materials and events
Bone and the Kidney Copenhagen Sept 2012

6 ISN Programs Goal: Sustainable Program Development Fellowships
Sister Renal Centers Educational Ambassadors Clinical Research (Research & Prevention) Continuing Medical Education (CME) Goal: Sustainable Program Development

7 ISN Fellowship Program ISN Sister Renal Centre Program
Integrated structure of ISN global outreach programs ISN CME Program ISN Fellowship Program Up to 50 two-day CME courses run worldwide in Developing countries Support for travel of 3 international opinion leaders to each CME 2-12 months fellowship for an individual to visit a developed Nephrology centre Range of support, U$3,000 - $25,000 ISN Sister Renal Centre Program 6 year training link between a developed and emerging nephrology centre Stepwise funding: Years 1-2 U$3000; Years 3-4 U$26,000, Years 5-6 U$34,000 Bilateral multi-disciplinary training exchanges ISN R&P Program ISN Educational Ambassadors Program Grants to support local research projects in developing centres Grants range from $10,000 – 15,000 Support a leading expert to spend 1-4 weeks in a developing centre

8 95% of ISN’s operating margin
ISN Programs 42 Fellowships 37 Sister Renal Centers 12 Educational Ambassadors 5 Clinical Research 49 Continuing Medical Education (CME) Programs $2 million USD/year 95% of ISN’s operating margin

9 Regional ISN Programs ISN Regional Committees
Goal: To develop ISN Programs effectively in each region

10 ISN Programs Supported by many affiliations and partnerships:
National & Regional Nephrology Societies Academic institutions Individual donors Industry

11 The ISN Family 10,000 members in 131 countries
ISN has 73 affiliated societies: national or regional nephrology societies

12 Expanded Educational Programs

13 ISN Education
A new multimedia education portal: Launched 2012 Lectures Webinars Improved connectivity of events

14 ISN International PARTNERS
IPNA International Pediatric Nephrology Association ISPD International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis ISH International Society for Hypertension TTS The Transplantation Society KDIGO Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes IFKF International Federation of Kidney Foundations MSF Médecins sans Frontières 14

15 Médecins sans Frontières
RENAL DISASTER RELIEF TASK FORCE ISN partnership with Médecins sans Frontières

‘Official relations’ were achieved in 2012 This follows some years of ISN working increasingly closely with WHO .... and should increase the influence of the voice for kidney disease


More and more governments are putting CKD into their NCD policy development In many countries, ISN members are advising governments about CKD policy An ISN Task Force is developing a policy template to assist this process

19 Enhanced focus on special programs
Children and young adults continue to die in emerging world as a direct result of acute kidney injury which in many cases is a preventable and treatable condition with few if any long-term health consequences Reducing morbidity and mortality from Acute Renal Failure in the developing world Saving young lives Chronic Kidney Disease

20 Saving Young Lives in Africa and Asia
Funded by Recanati-Kaplan Foundation A collaborative project ( ) between : ISN (J. Feehally) International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA) (B. Smoyer) International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) (F. Finkelstein) Sustainable Kidney Care Foundation (SKCF) (M. Carter) EuroPD (S. Davies) The project: Development of specialized centers for care of AKI including facilities for acute PD (in Africa and Asia) Development of models for delivery of early preventive care in local healthcare settings in the catchment area of these specialist centers Development of triage mechanisms to allow identification of those needing specialized care with transport enabling rapid transfer

21 Acute Kidney Injury contributes to mortality rate worldwide
1.7 million death/year High-income countries: Low- and middle-income countries: 300 thousands/year 1.4 million/year* *Calculations made assuming a similar death rate as in high-income countries Lewington et al., Kidney Int, 2013

22 The human right case by the ISN for Acute Renal Failure:
10/06/2018 The human right case by the ISN for Acute Renal Failure: 0 by 25 No one should die of untreated acute renal failure even the in poorest part of Africa, Asia and South America by 2025 ProgressioneLarge0609

23 ISN “0 by 25 “ initiative Better understanding:
Document the incidence and etiology of ARF in selected regions in the developing world Better strategies for care and education: Develop strategies to prevent, diagnose and initiate treatment for ARF the training of health workers in remote areas, development of necessary reliable, affordable and cost-effective laboratory/technical resources and telecommunication assistance both at local health centers and regional treatment centers Better prevention: Develop strategies to reduce the incidence of ARF for selected causes and related mortality with particular emphasis on peritoneal dialytic support 23 23

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