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Faculty Professional Development Plan: Overview and Next Steps

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1 Faculty Professional Development Plan: Overview and Next Steps
Faculty Professional Growth Committee April 29, 2016

2 Overview of today’s session
Review updated proposed faculty PD plan (1:15-1:30) Interdisciplinary breakout sessions (1:30-2:15) Brainstorm future PD ideas Set personal short- and long-term PD goals and plans for working towards them Discipline peer groups (2:15-2:45) Share goals and provide feedback and suggestions to one another

3 Three strands with customized variations possible
Independent Work – Most likely content-focused Professional Learning Communities- Small Faculty working groups that meet during I-Viz times (possibly more often)– most likely pedagogically-focused Groups could be selected by the faculty member and may be within department or interdisciplinary I-Viz – Based on periodic (e.g., how to use Webex) or recurring interest (e.g., Preparing for National Board Certification) within the I-Viz format

4 Notes about three PD strands
The type of faculty-driven PD strand adopted by a particular faculty member is a personal choice that depends on that faculty member’s goals and learning style. Individual faculty members can combine different strands within the same school year (e.g., do individual PD most of the time but attend a couple of relevant I-Viz sessions). Participation in faculty-driven PD activities during I-Viz time should be a personal choice for individual faculty members, so I-Viz time should not be used to schedule required meetings (e.g., Curriculum Review work for an entire discipline)

5 Requirements- Setting PD goals
At the beginning of each school year, faculty write down their short- and long- term PD goals and plans for working towards those goals and then meet within their Disciplines for discussion and peer review of one another’s goals. A copy of each faculty members’ goals is shared with the Dean for informational purposes.

6 Requirements- PD time All faculty are required to participate in a minimum of 12 hours of faculty- driven PD in addition to all Departmental and Administrative PD sessions during each academic year. (This is equivalent to the number of hours of I-Viz scheduled for the year.) Many faculty will choose to do significantly more. This faculty-driven PD can happen at any time during the academic year. In order to recognize the time that faculty spend on PD activities during the summer, yet maintain a vibrant community of ongoing professional growth during the school year, faculty who participate in PD activities in the summer may count summer PD activities towards meeting the requirements of half of their required faculty-drive PD time for the following school year.

7 Requirements- Reporting PD activities
At the end of each PD session or activity, the faculty member documents in 1- 2 sentences what has been accomplished via a Google Form. This would: Meet accreditation requirements Keep records for CEUs Be viewable by that faculty member as needed (e.g. when applying for National Board Certification) Be shared annually across the community in a document that celebrates and acknowledges the diverse PD efforts of NCSSM faculty

8 Additional changes proposed- PD schedule
Increase the amount of scheduled I-Viz time by 3 hours/year (and reduce the amount of scheduled Administrative PD time by 3 hours/year). Where possible schedule I-Viz sessions on In-Service Days rather than the end of the day on a busy Wednesday. Schedule some longer “double” I-Viz sessions. Rename Administrative PD sessions that are not true PD “Required Faculty Meetings.” Administrative PD that is true PD (e.g., training on dealing with student mental health issues) would still be called PD. Move Administrative PD and “Required Faculty Meetings” to Monday meeting blocks as much as possible.

9 Additional changes proposed- Interactions
Sponsor a faculty-driven PD “sharing” event in the spring when faculty share their PD experiences with one another across disciplines via concurrent sessions (like Mini-Term sharing). Foster informal interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration by hosting monthly brown bag lunches and establishing both indoor and outdoor faculty/staff lounge areas on campus.

10 Clarification questions? Ask now! Suggestions? Please email us!

11 Overview of today’s session
Review updated proposed faculty PD plan (1:15-1:30) Interdisciplinary breakout sessions (1:30-2:15) Brainstorm PD ideas Set personal short- and long-term PD goals and plans for working towards them Discipline peer groups (2:15-2:45) Share goals and provide feedback and suggestions to one another

12 Interdisciplinary breakout groups 1:30-2:15 pm
Last name starts with: Meeting location Leader A-B Dry Lab Candice Chambers C-G Watts 301 Tom Clayton H-L Watts 306 Maria Hernandez M-P Hill 15 Alina Hunt Q-S Beall 9 Christine Muth T-Z Beall 5 Linda Schmalbeck

13 Discipline peer groups 2:15-2:45 pm
Meeting location Leader Biology Bryan 336 Linda Schmalbeck Chemistry ETC Dry Lab Michael Bruno Computer Science ETS 3 Ershela Sims Counseling, PAW, SLIs Royall 217 Gail Hudson Engineering GRL John Kirk Fine Arts ETC 170 Scott Laird Math Watts 217 Angela Teachey Physics Bryan 439 Jonathan Bennett Social Science/English Watts 5/6 Kyle Hudson/Mark Dubois World Language Language Lab Tonya Smith

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