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Michael Jackson By Jordan Mitchell.

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1 Michael Jackson By Jordan Mitchell

2 Michael Jacksons background
Michael Jackson started his music career and developed a maturity in his artistry at an extremely young age. His dad took him out to put all his time into his talents. Born and raised in Gary, Indiana Never got to live his childhood. From the age of 5 years old he had over 4 octaves in his vocal range and was classified as a male soprano. At the age of 10 Michael outperformed singers who were much older than him and already had a bunch of hits under his belt. Michael Jackson started out practicing and performing with his family from a very early age when he joined his brothers that were already performing in the band once referred to as the Jacksons. When his father discovered his talents he became the lead singer which lead the group name to be changed to the Jackson 5. He strived and developed his singing abilities to the point he became unnoticeable, out of all the brothers his voice was the strongest and stood out the most. Michael Jackson was an was blessed as an incredible performer, but there was a price he had to pay for his success, he didn’t get to experience and cherish the childhood that many of us grew up with since he was always busy with his music. He was either performing, touring or rehearsing day in day out from 5 years old. Although he missed out a lot on his childhood years, he still managed to achieve so much at a young age and did what a lot of performers could only wish for. 8th child of the Jackson family. Born and raised in Gary Indiana.

3 His accomplishments Since Michael Jackson has been singing at a professional level from 5 years old, he learned a lot early and gained a lot. His first solo album off the Wall grossed over 10 million records worldwide. After teaming up with Quincy Jones his second solo album Thriller grossed around over 110 million records worldwide. As you know, Michael Jackson has been singing since he was 5 years old. That is an extremely young age. Because of this Michael has had a huge amount of time to hone and master his craft to an exceptional standard which later on made him accomplish many great things. Michael Jackson is and if not the greatest selling artist on the face of the earth. Michael Jackson has won countless awards and all of his albums are multi platinum or diamond. The first solo album Michael Jackson produced was ‘Off The Wall’, this was in the middle of meeting Quincy Jones. Which was his new producer which took his career to another level. It was stated that thriller sold over 100 million records. After this was clarified, Michael Jackson received made it in the ‘Guinness World Records’ world record for the best selling album of all time. Accomplishments: THE FIRST artist to win 8 GRAMMY awards in one night. Sold over nearly a billion records overall. Thriller sold over 110 records worldwide for ‘Thriller’ album. All of his singles have topped the charts and went at least over platinum or multi-platinum. 26th annual GRAMMY awards, Album of the year for ‘Thriller ‘ and Record Of The Year for single ‘Beat It’. Till this date only 15 individuals have won the Grammy legend award. Michael was the 10th artist receive this award.

4 His influences growing up
James Brown Aretha Franklin Freddie Astaire John W. Sullet Bill Bailey Eleanon Powell Stevie Wonder Diana Ross Sam Cook Otis Redding Michaels influences: Michael Jackson honouring James Brown: Michael Jackson had many influences which shaped him into the performer we know him as today. From the dance moves to the singing, all of the people I’ve listed above played a huge part in Michaels creative visions. Michael Jackson used every opportunity to sit down and study his idols not to copy, but to incorporate them into his own ideas to create his own unique style. As Michael Jackson said previously “study the greats and become greater”, that’s exactly what he did. Michael Jackson always had a great voice, but Michaels showmanship was also out of this world. Nearly all of his performances left fans passing out or in tears because of how intense and amazing his shows were. Michael looked up to a lot of artists growing up and during the Motown era but there was one performer he idled the most. and that was James Brown. Michael Jackson would watched countless videos of James Brown and imitate him as a young child all the way through his adulthood while adding his own twist to some of his dance moves. From the foot work to the stance positions, hair style and stage presence, he knew it all and had it all down. He was often compared to him as a kid in his Jackson 5 days. When James Brown passed away he was devastated and attended a speech at his funeral in honour of how much he impacted him as an artist.

5 Michael Jackson influences nearly every artist you can think of!
Usher Chris Brown Ne-Yo Justin Timberlake Pharrell Williams Will.I.Am Akon Bruno Mars Chris Brown MJ Tribute: Michael Jackson is the most influential artist we’ve ever had. He has influenced many people internationally from all creative aspects such as song writers, producers, singers, rappers and actors. There some artists that are clearly influenced by Michael and his work, especially he dance moves. Chris Brown is a prime example of someone who is heavily influenced by Michael Jackson. What Michael Jackson did with James Brown is what Chris did with Michael. He studied every move of his religiously to the point he bang to get comparisons at a young age. Chris Brown arrived in the scene at age 15 and had great dancing skills and energy which lead him to the comparisons and high expectations of being the next Michael Jackson of our Era. Later in his career, after Michaels death, he performed a tribute to him ending in tears of dealing with his death being his biggest idol ever.

6 His talents Michael Jackson was a triple threat on top of many other aspects of the industry. He could sing, dance, act, produce, direct and was an entrepreneur. Michael Jackson had a High Tenor 4 octave vocal range. This is rare male vocal type. Michael Jackson had a natural ability to beat box. He would sometimes beat box the beat first before creating the music in the studio. Michael Jackson had a very distinctive, diverse and unique voice. He’s directed/co directed his music videos He’s been in movies and plays such as: The Wiz The moonwalker Men In Black II Captain EO Thriller Ghosts Bad ‘series’ Miss Castaway and the Island Girls

7 How he’s influenced me into the artist I am today.
Sung one of his songs for my audition to get into secondary school The song I sung was ‘Ben’ Watched and embodied his dance moves as a child. Looked up to him as a great person as well as a phenomenal artist. My first ever album I listened to was Thriller. Developed my voice by listening to him sing. I sung man in the mirror tribute after his death in the school assembly in my first year.

8 Bibliography Michaels influences:
Michael Jackson Moonwalk: AKHTE9BYcQ_AUIBygC&biw=1920&bih=934#tbm=isch&q=michael+jackson+wal+paper&imgdii=wEtgqgbcHSG6HM:&imgrc =MBIuJyCEYhtdqM:&spf= Chris: 60B&thid=OIP.43nH0FaucRIO4-X- bRE8wwEsDG&q=chris+brown+michael+jackson&simid= &selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0 JB: 64D&thid=OIP.LbFNcBTgYI2d- vxrLFerMAEsDH&q=James+brown&simid= &selectedIndex=187&ajaxhist=0 My school: 11&sk=&cvid=6503BEAFEE7D451097EDD3E2B50FD317

9 List to research Background Accomplishments/awards
His personal influences Who he has influenced Skills and talents i.e. Singing, dancing, acting and producing How he has influenced me personally His lifestyle, work ethic and discipline Include: Videos, images, bibliography of links used from ‘RefMe’

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