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Framing the Lesson We will discuss the nuts and bolts of lab safety and do our first lab to practice using the equipment/safety that we’ve been talking.

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Presentation on theme: "Framing the Lesson We will discuss the nuts and bolts of lab safety and do our first lab to practice using the equipment/safety that we’ve been talking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Framing the Lesson We will discuss the nuts and bolts of lab safety and do our first lab to practice using the equipment/safety that we’ve been talking about. I will understand the importance of lab safety and practice using the equipment and measurements that we will be using throughout the school year. Environmental

2 Framing the Lesson We will discuss the nuts and bolts of lab safety, identify some of the equipment we’ll be using throughout the year (extra credit), and begin discussing the nature of science! I will clarify any expectations about the class, understand the importance of lab safety, and practice my inquiry skills. Research


4 Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.
Follow all instructions carefully.  If you do not understand something, ASK YOUR TEACHER BEFORE PROCEEDING. Never work alone in the laboratory – a teacher must be present! Do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials in the laboratory area until you are instructed to do so.

5 Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory
Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory. (including out of lab equipment like beakers!) Be prepared - read all procedures before entering the laboratory.  No horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks! Work areas should be kept clean and tidy at all times.  Wash your hands before and after each lab. Be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory.  Notify the teacher immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe! (i.e. something breaks) Dispose of all chemical waste properly - check with your teacher before you dispose of any chemicals and solutions! 

6 Experiments must be personally monitored at all times – do not wander!
Keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth, and body while working with chemicals or lab equipment!  Experiments must be personally monitored at all times – do not wander! Know the locations of all safety equipment including: first aid kit(s), safety blanket (clothes), and fire extinguisher.  Know where the fire alarm and the exits are located. If a fire occurs during a period, quickly cover any containers and kill the power to any equipment. Where is the first aid kid? The clinic!

7 Clothing Any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used, students will wear safety goggles. NO EXCEPTIONS!  Dress properly during a laboratory activity: Long hair, dangling jewelry, and loose or baggy clothing are a hazard – hair must be tied back and clothing/jewelry must be secured! Shoes must completely cover the foot.  No sandals allowed on lab days!  A lab coat or smock should be worn during laboratory experiments.

8 Accidents and Injuries
Do not panic, but rather report any accident or injury to the teacher immediately.  If you or your lab partner is hurt, immediately (and loudly) yell out the teacher's name! If a chemical should splash in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water at the eye wash station for at least 15 minutes.  (get the teacher’s attention) Many chemicals and organisms in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous – handle and observe with care!

Never handle broken glass—immediately notify the teacher if glass is broken. Examine glassware before each use as you should never use chipped, cracked or dirty glassware. Why not? If you do not understand how to use a piece of equipment, ASK THE TEACHER FOR HELP. HEATING SUBSTANCES Always wear goggles when heating substances and never look into a container that is being heated. When smelling a hot liquid, make sure you “waft!”  

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