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Children’s meetings Storytelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s meetings Storytelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s meetings Storytelling

2 A powerful tool for drawing children into meaningful learning
Storytelling A powerful tool for drawing children into meaningful learning

3 Choosing the story Is it a tellable story? Do you love this story?
Does this story support your message?

4 Learning the story Outline Know the story, don’t memorise it
Know who your audience is Personalise – relate to the children See and feel what you are talking about Practise, Practise, practise Make an outline of the main points and sub-points. Don’t sound like you have memorised it – you need to memorise important facts/verses – but not the whole story.

5 Focal resources for the story
Books Cards Puppets Significant items from the story Flannel graph Magnetic board Props for role-play Computer visuals (digital stories – make your own) Digital story – Cookies and my conscience Bible storysongs

6 Preparing for the story
Arrange the space so it’s right for you Know your audience Be ready – well prepared Know what words you want to emphasise Practise emphasising the words that are important – that you want emphasised.

7 Telling the Story Maintain eye contact
Vary voice – different voice for different people speaking Speak clearly – not too fast Enunciate Draw in children who appear distracted – use their name e.g. What do you think happens next Tim? Some stories can be told a thousand times – they never get old because you can bring them to life – and there’s always a new audience. ‘I’m going on a story. We’ve been here before. Let‘s see what we’re going to find this time’.

8 Make sure all children can see pictures or focal resources

9 Listening to the audience
Monitoring the audience Are children listening and understanding? It’s all about the story and the audience (lose face/drop your ego)

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