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Grants and Contracts Accounting

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1 Grants and Contracts Accounting
Lori Rigby

2 Agenda Invoicing Cost Sharing Documentation Allowable Expenses

3 Invoicing Invoicing Format Title of the project
Project sub-contract director Invoicing period Grant number Detailed list of current and cumulative expenditures Statement certifying that charges are correct and signed by fiscal officer


5 Cost Sharing Cost Sharing Format Title of the project
Project sub-contract director Cost sharing period Grant Number Detailed list of current and cumulative expenditures Statement certifying that charges are correct and signed by sub-contract director or fiscal officer


7 Invoicing and Cost-Sharing
Done monthly You need to submit a financial budget and detailed statement with each invoice You need to submit standard forms even if you do not have any invoicing charges You will always have cost sharing charges because of staff effort that was cost shared Retro-active payments possible October 1 – December 15

8 Documentation CNCS requires that a copy of all documentation is maintained by each university and readily available for audit Job descriptions Submitted each January and July Signed by the employee verifying actual duties associated with the grant Reimbursements A copy of the paperwork associated with each expenditure (i.e. receipts and university documents) must be maintained within university Each expenditure should be accompanied by an explanation of how the money was utilized

9 Documentation Tulane will review each invoice and statement, if there is a questionable charge the PI will be asked to provide the documentation to go with the expenditure in question All documentation pertaining to this grant should be readily available at all times Documentation will be asked for at each site visit If you do not feel comfortable keeping the documentation you can submit it to Tulane with invoice and we will be responsible for the information

10 Reimbursement Example
Buy 20 file folders at $1/piece A copy of the university reimbursement form A copy of the actual receipt A description of how the 20 file folders were used in the grant (i.e. faculty workshop) Buy $2,000 in office supplies, but only $500 is for grant purposes Highlight $500 associated with grant Same as above

11 Allowable Expenses Follow your grant budgets Some few tips:
No alcohol, entertainment costs are allowed on federal grants Food and meals are only allowable if it pertains to travel or to support a conference/meeting/workshop/seminar

12 BOTTOM LINE Spend your money based on your contracted budgets
Proper paperwork = Prompt payment

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