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This project is co-funded by the European Union
I3U “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union“ Kick off meeting - 10 March 2015 Venue: ISIS – Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems Largo dei Lombardi, 4 00186 Rome, Italy This project is co-funded by the European Union
Workpackage 6 Social and Territorial Cohesion
Commitments 24/25: Maximizing Social and Territorial Cohesion Commitment 26 European Social Innovation Pilot Commitment 27 Public Sector Innovation Scorebord//Research programme on Public Sector and Social Innovation Commitment 28 Consult social partners on interaction between the knowledge economy and the labour market
WP 6 Commitments 24/25: Maximizing Social and Territorial Cohesion
Mapping the institutional system of EU support for R&D&I through the European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund (Part 1) Structural Funds resources for R&D&I over three Multi-annual Financial Frameworks (MFF) ; ; ; What has changed and what has remained of the respective institutional systems? Variation by Member States (MS): - What explains the differences across MS in propensity to spend EU resources on R&D&I? - EU support for R&D&I in MS at the technology frontier vs. MS behind the technology frontier – any justified difference?
WP 6 Commitments 24/25: Maximizing Social and Territorial Cohesion
Mapping the institutional system of EU support for R&D&I through the European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund (Part 2) EU budgetary support for R&D&I apart from the Structural Funds: - From the ‘Competitiveness for Growth and Employment’ chapter of the MFF - The new European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) – the € 315 billion ‘Juncker initiative’
WP 6 Commitments 24/25: Maximizing Social and Territorial Cohesion
Territorial cohesion and innovation (1) Understanding territorial patterns of innovation Regional pattern of innovation/propensity to innovate might depend on the regions’ characteristics (e.g. degree of urbanisation, sectoral structure, skill endowments) Analysis of regional innovation patterns and the role of regional characteristics Cohesion in innovation Analysis of the convergence/cohesion in innovation across regions (for all regions, as well as within specific groups of regions – groups defined via the regions’ characteristics)
WP 6 Commitments 24/25: Maximizing Social and Territorial Cohesion
Territorial cohesion and innovation (2) The effects of ERDF expenditures on cohesion in innovation Relation of cohesion in innovation and economic cohesion. Data: NUTS-2 for Innovation/knowledge output and input indicators: e.g. R&D expenditures, employment, patents, employment by skills/occupation etc. Data on ERDF and CF expenditures on innovation for ( currently being collected) Supplemental regional data
Commitment 26 European Social Innovation Pilot
To be clarified
Defining the problems and addressing potential impact channels
Workpackage 6 committment 27 Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard//Research Programme on Public Sector and Social Innovation Defining the problems and addressing potential impact channels Primary impact channels: NEED FOR LEARNING: Naming and shaming, public pressure as a driver for reforms EASIER LEARNING: Benchmarking, identification of best practices and what should be avoided Secondary impact channels: Effective, cheaper state Better business environment Better quality services for citizens
Workpackage 6 committment 27 Immediate actions
Literature review defining the problems identification of impact channels Assessment of the state of implementation assessment of the progress made confirmation of impact channels Direct impact analysis defining the main outcome (theory based) a list of relevant indicators
Workpackage 6 committment 27 Open points
quantification in the case of qualitative assessment or dummy variables
Workpackage 6 committment 28: Consult social partners on interaction between the knowledge economy and the labour market Mapping of already launched activities between the European Commission and social partners (commitment started with delay ) – numerous actors/intentions (State of Innovation Union - Report) Role of national social partners in the process Direction of further actions planned by social partners (interviews) Contributions literature review (not explicitly required) report data collection (LFS - knowledge intensive (business) services KI(B)S at 2-digit level NACE Rev. 2 or knowledge intensive manufacturing industries) Question: what exactly is needed ?
Deliverables Literature review and data collection (M10)
State of implementation and impact assessment (M22) Integration in the Eco-System (M30) Question: deliverables for the whole workpackage or for each commitment? Responsible organisation: wiiw
Relation with other workpackages
Inputs to WP 10, others? Inputs /assistance needed from other workpackages ?
Resources wiiw WERI
Immediate actions Activities planned for the next 6 months
Literature survey …..
Open points Quantification of information (e.g. qualitative assessments)
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