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Psychology at UWS BA (Hons) Psychology BSc (Hons) Psychology

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology at UWS BA (Hons) Psychology BSc (Hons) Psychology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology at UWS BA (Hons) Psychology BSc (Hons) Psychology
BA/BSc (Hons) Psychology & ‘X’

2 Welcome to 3rd Year Psychology Introductions:
3rd Year Leader – Dr Melody Terras Other useful Contacts: Dr Eddie Edgerton Professor Jim McKechnie Your Personal Tutor

3 1st & 2nd year ‘social sciences’/ ‘sciences’
Progress up until now: 1st & 2nd year ‘social sciences’/ ‘sciences’ 3rd year focus on Psychology Acquiring an understanding of range and scope of psychology Attaining the skills that are essential to psychology e.g. research methods, data handling, data analysis

4 BA & BSc (Hons) Psychology
Accredited by British Psychological Society Graduating with your Honours degree provides ‘Graduate Basis for Chartership’ (need a minimum of a 2ii Honours degree and must pass your honours dissertation)

5 Need to be aware of the step change in demands on you:
“doing just enough” Vs maximising Module demands – 200 hours per module Challenging but enjoyable

6 Psychology degree: One of the most popular degree choices. Why?
“STEM plus” subject area The Guardian 3rd Feb 2010 Higher Education Careers Service Unit 2014

7 Strengths of the degree:
Communication Independent learning Working in teams Understanding of statistics and research methodology IT skills Critical thinking In addition to providing GBC and opening routes into psychology as a profession, your psychology degree provides a range of future career paths.

8 Employability and Career development
Need to start thinking about this now Research your options/preferences Build an awareness of your skills/assets What we’ll do to help: Careers session Applied aspects of psychology Personal tutor system Employability guide

9 Sources of Info Programme Handbook L9 Handbook
BA/BA Psychology Programme Moodle Site UWS website Student Link- Hub

10 Moodle All materials related to modules, assessments and lectures can be found on the Moodle site. In order to be enrolled on a module on Moodle, you need to make sure that you are enrolled on the module on Banner! Contact the module co-ordinators by the end of next week if you have not been enrolled. Student guides on how to use Moodle and how to log in are available here: You should all be enrolled in the Psychology Moodle site

11 Module Co-ordinators The main contact for each module is the module co-ordinator: Child Development: Dr Amanda Simpson Individual Differences & Work : Dr Edward Edgerton Psychology Research Methods : Dr Christopher O’Donnell Biological Psychology: Dr Lynn William Cognitive Psychology : Dr Melody Terras Social Psychology : Dr Karri Gillespie-Smith

12 Single Hons Modules Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Child Development (777)
Biological Psychology (774) Individual Differences and Work (13890) Cognitive Psychology (775) Psychology Research Methods (780) Social Psychology (781)

13 Joint Hons Psychology Major: L10 Dissertation in Psychology
Psychology Research Methods (780) Individual Differences and Work (13890) Social Psychology (781) Psychology Minor: L10 Dissertation in other subject

14 CW Deadlines Psychology Research Methods (week 8 & 13)
Individual Differences & Work (week 7 & 12) Child Development (week 10 + Exam) PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK SUBMISSION DATES IN ASSESSMENT MAP AND THE MODULE HANDBOOK Start working on coursework early and plan your time! Remember exams are earlier this year- week 15

15 Degree Classification
Marks from 3rd year contribute towards your degree classification. You cannot progress to 4th year until you have passed all of your 3rd year modules (and any dependencies). You cannot progress into fourth year without an approved dissertation proposal.

16 Degree Classification
First class Mean mark of 70% or above OR Mean mark of at least 67% and a majority of the modules in the final year stage at grade A. Upper second class Mean mark of 60% or above OR Mean mark of at least 57% and a majority of the modules in the final year stage at grade B1 or better. Lower second class Mean mark of 50% or above OR Mean mark of at least 47% and a majority of the modules in the final year stage at grade B2 or better. Third class Mean mark of 40% or above Includes your 3 best marks from 3rd year alongside all your 4th year modules (different calculation if you are a joint student- only yr 4)

17 Career Planning Time to start thinking about your career after University, and what you can do now to make yourself more employable. Good degree classification. Voluntary work (particularly if you want to pursue a career in Psychology). Graduate attributes of a Psychology degree – e.g. research methods skills, critical thinking, communication skills. Psychology Careers Event in second semester University Careers and Employability resources

18 Communication When communicating with staff you must use your University account. s from personal accounts often end up in our junk folder and we do not read them. Use an appropriate subject heading, and provide your full name and banner number. Also indicate which module you are referring to. s should be polite and understandable, and should be clearly addressed to someone (i.e. rather than “Hi there” use the person’s name). Aim to respond to your within 48 hours, and we expect students to check their s and to respond to s within the same timeframe. Staff will post office hours, and may choose to will deal with general queries then (i.e. in some cases an answer will just refer you to that session). Reasonable use of students x 1 a day results in s per day, which is not manageable. Particularly as some of you have already sent me multiple s on the same day!

19 Extensions Extensions granted by year leader Up to 1 week
Appropriate evidence must be supplied If you have not been given an extension then you will receive a 10% penalty No extensions in resit diet Requests should be sent 24 hours prior to the deadline. Only in exceptional cases can you ask for an extension on the day or after the deadline. If unable to meet your deadline even with a week long extension then you should follow the new Extenuating Circumstances process.

20 Attendance If you are absent for any reason please ensure that you inform the module co-ordinator. In certain circumstances, failure to attend a module could result in non-progression at end of the academic year (in case of unauthorised absences). Attendance is now monitored via Banner and s are sent out automatically. If you are absent for a long period (i.e. more than a week) for authorised reasons, you will need to provide a medical certificate and inform the year leader. Attendance policy. Non engagement (RA) – no resit attempt.

21 Personal Tutors Personal tutor information available on Moodle.
You should meet up with your personal tutor at the beginning and end of the trimester. Additional point of contact for academic and pastoral support. Support the development of PDP and employability skills. Examples

22 Student Reps We require at least 3 student representatives in 3rd year: 1 from the BA route 1 from the BSc route 1 from the joint route This is an important position Attendance at student-staff liaison group meetings, representing your class mates views. If you are interested please me.

23 BPS You are eligible to become a student member of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Fee depends on income and payment method (see website) The Psychologist magazine every month PsychTalk, quarterly magazine with a careers focus Psychologist Appointments – monthly round up of jobs and careers-related articles.

24 Dissertation Submit a dissertation proposal.
There will be a number of classes to support you in writing your dissertation proposal. You must submit an approved dissertation proposal in order to progress to 4th year. Failure to do so will result in you graduating from 3rd year with an ordinary degree. There are no exceptions to this rule.

25 Extenuating Circumstances (EC)
Mitigation has been replaced by “Fit to Sit” and Extenuating Circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are defined as adverse circumstances which have led to non-attendance at, non-submission of or impaired performance in one or more assessments. According to Regulation 7.7, in submitting each piece of coursework or completing an examination or class-test, a student is confirming that they are ‘fit to sit’ the assessment. If you believe that your academic performance has been affected by extenuating circumstances and that you are not in a position to submit a piece of coursework or attend an exam or class test, then you should complete an on-line EC Statement.

26 EC Continued The University's extenuating circumstance process is online and can be accessed via self-service banner. If a student submits an EC statement, they will have a 2-year limit to pass the assessment. The Extenuating Circumstance process guide is available to download in pdf and will guide you through the online process.  Regulations 7.7 and academic-appeals-and-mitigation/

27 Any Questions? Module Intros

28 Standing Safe Twitter #StandingSafe

29 Psychological Society

30 StAR Student Associate Researchers (StAR)
Opportunity to participate in the 'Student Associate Researchers (StAR) Scheme. Staff will advertise projects they would like students to work on. Each project will have tasks you are expected to complete, and skills you can expect to learn and develop over the course of the project. More information will be given via Moodle Contact Person is Graham Scott).

31 Good luck Good luck and enjoy year 3 Any questions? Drop in today: L206

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