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Updates of the APGrid PMA

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1 Updates of the APGrid PMA
OGF21 IGTF Yoshio Tanaka

2 Annual F2F Meeting Discussion about auditing
Date: June 4th (Mon) Venue: Biopolis, Singapore Co-located event: Grid Asia 2007 Summary Review of MICS profile MICS was approved Live review of KISTI Grid CA Review process went through the auditing document. Good for both Auditee and Auditor. Gave comments to improve CP/CPS and CA operation. Agreed to continue evaluation and to use voting via for the final accreditation. Discussion about auditing Agreed to implement mutual external auditing. Agreed to reduce frequency of VTC. Every three to four months. Can be held on request basis.

3 Updates KISTI Grid CA was returned since IGTF CA Distribution 1.16.
KISTI Grid CA was accredited as an IGTF Classic AP compliant CA (July 24, 2007). KISTI Grid CA was returned since IGTF CA Distribution 1.16. KEK Grid CA audited NAREGI CA (July) Some major problems NAREGI CA embedded field in subject DN. It is used to guarantee uniqueness of the subject name. NAREGI CA will remove field from the subject DN, therefore NAREGI CA need to consider how to guarantee uniqueness of the subject name. Organization is not clear There is a RA, but different people are responsible for identity vetting.

4 Updates (cont’d) ASGCCA would create a new root CA certificate.
Problems about ASGCCA-2007 ASGCCA would create a new root CA certificate. Old one will be expired next year. Hash of the new root CA was same with the hash of the old root CA. They used the same private key with the old one. Subject name of the new root CA included a trailing space. Issued a new root CA on October 9th. Will be included in the next IGTF CA distribution. PRAGMA CA is now reviewing for accreditation. NAREGI CA is planning to draft (and provide) a template of CP and CPS as separate documents based on RFC3647. CP can be shared between member CAs with some modifications.

5 Members (13 + 4) In operation Will be in operation 10 Accredited CAs
AIST (Japan) APAC (Australia) ASGCC (Taiwan) CNIC (China) IHEP (China) KEK (Japan) KISTI (Korea) NAREGI (Japan) NECTEC (Thailand) Will be in operation NCHC (Taiwan) 1 CA under review NGO (Singapore) PRAGMA (USA) Planning ThaiGrid (Thailand) General membership Osaka U. (Japan) U. Hong Kong (China) U. Hyderabad (India) USM (Malaysia)

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