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Thanksgiving Tidbits & Trivia

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1 Thanksgiving Tidbits & Trivia

2 (b) Confessed to the group a lie they had told
Back in the early 1620's, the pilgrims celebrated a "Day of Humiliation." What did they do on that day? (a) Prayed and fasted (b) Confessed to the group a lie they had told (c) Asked God for forgiveness for eating too much on Thanksgiving

3 The turkey is considered a sacrificial bird in which country?
(a) Turkey (b) Japan (c) Mexico (d) India Mexico

4 How fast can a turkey run?
(a) 7 mph (b) 11 mph (c) 18 mph (d) 25 mph 25 mph

5 All turkeys gobble. True or False?
False….the males gobble the females do not. They sort of click.

6 How fast can a Turkey fly??
A MPH B. 20 MPH C. They can’t fly For short distances only

7 What percentage of Americans will attend a Thanksgiving Dinner?
B. 50 % C. 84%

8 Thanksgiving Dinner Over 84% of adult Americans will attend a Thanksgiving dinner this year. Over 94% of those dinners will include cranberry sauce. Over 45 million turkeys are prepared and eaten in the United States for Thanksgiving each year.

9 When did the Plymouth Pilgrims celebrate the First Thanksgiving?

10 C

11 Baby turkeys are called?
(a) Chicks (b) Poults (c) Tommies (d) They don't have a name for them.

12 Turkey eggs are brown. True or False?

13 Does Disneyland celebrate anything special on Thanksgiving?
YES Ad from Disney Website For those of you that are planning that magical journey during Thanksgiving, I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you that Disney has you covered when it comes to all of the places that you can get a traditional Thanksgiving meal while you are visiting the resort or parks.

14 Was the Turkey ever our National Bird?
A. Yes B. No

15 B. No, but Almost. According to popular legend, the male “Tom” turkey got its name from Benjamin Franklin. Franklin named it after Thomas Jefferson when he would not allow it to be the national bird. Benjamin Franklin thought the vain and silly turkey was a much better suited national bird than the bald eagle, which he thought was a coward.

16 Turkeys see in Black and White only?
A. True B. False

17 Turkeys can see in color.
B. Turkeys can see in color.

18 Can Turkeys smell you coming to get them for Dinner?
A. Yes they have a strong sense of smell B. Turkeys have a poor sense of smell

19 The Answer is “B” Turkeys have NO sense of Smell!!!!!
He didn’t see this boy coming or I should say,, He didn’t smell this boy coming

20 Which weighs more: Domestic Turkey or Wild Turkey?
A Domestic Turkey is raised to be Larger

21 When male turkeys puff up their feathers, strut around and make "gobble" sounds, it means what?
(a) They're mad. (b) They're marking their territory (c) They're trying to attract hen attention (d) None of the above. They just do it.


23 This part of the turkey turns bright red when he's upset or during courtship:
(a) Top of His Head (b) Snood (c) Tips of feathers (d) Eyes

24 When did the Pilgrims arrive in North America? 1578 or 1620?

25 1620 at Plymouth Massachutes

26 Who was the Pilgrim’s Leader?
A.. Governor Wm. Bradford George Washington Benjamin Franklin Miles Standish

27 Governor Wm. Bradford

28 Turkeys are very fluffy with lots of feathers
Turkeys are very fluffy with lots of feathers. Approximately how many feathers does a full-grown turkey have? (a) 2,750 (b) 3,000 (c) 3,500 (d) 4,100

29 How long did the first Thanksgiving feast last?
A. One day B. One week C. Three days D. 2 weeks

30 3 Days!!!!! The State of New York made Thanksgiving an annual custom in 1817.

31 Can a Turkey sleep in a tree?
A. Yes B. No way

32 Yes they sometimes sleep in Trees


34 Is the word “Pilgrims” in the Bible?
YES or NO YES, Several Times


36 How many decks did the Mayflower have?
A. 1 Main Deck B. 2 Main Decks C. 3 Main Decks

37 Did the Pilgrims come to U. S. to eat turkey or for What?
A. Freedom of Religion To find gold To explore the New World A. Freedom of Religion

38 A pilgrim is defined as a:
(a) Traveler (b) A Wayfarer (c) A religious journeyman (d) All of the above

39 We are Pilgrims. The Scriptures remind us that as believers we are actually “pilgrims” on earth awaiting our new home in heaven. A pilgrim is one on a journey. Our lives are a journey in this world, but a wonderful new home has been prepared for us that will last forever. We are called by the Lord to remember this to help us when the things of this world disappoint us. We have a greater place to look forward to, though we are grateful for what we enjoy at God’s hand now.


41 .

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