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Cognitive Remediation

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1 Cognitive Remediation
Christopher R. Bowie, Ph.D., C.Psych. Associate Professor Psychology & Psychiatry Queen’s University Kingston, ON Head Consulting Psychologist Head’s Up Early Psychosis Program Independent Scientist Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Toronto, ON

2 Functional Recovery in Schizophrenia: Historical Pessimism
Kraepelin DSM-III: “a complete return to premorbid levels of functioning…is so rare as to cast doubt upon the accuracy of the diagnosis” DSM-IV:TR “Complete remission is probably not common” For many, a return to premorbid levels would not be considered good fx outcome

3 Proposed Criteria for Recovery
Sustained remission of psychotic Sx At least part-time engagement in instrumental role (worker, student, volunteer) Living independently and handling all aspects of daily living Participating in an active friendship or other recreational interests Adapted from Liberman et al, 2002

4 Outcome in the Hillside First Episode Study
Adapted from Robinson et al., 1999; Robinson et al., 2002

5 ISoS Results: Remission versus Recovery ≥ 15y
No Psychosis No Psychosis & Live Independently & Socializing No Psychosis & Live Independently & Socializing & Working No Psychosis & Live Independently Even those studies that have reported Adapted from ISOS

6 Number of Inpatient Psychiatric Beds per 100,000 Civilians
Also very much due to environmental factors. As the wave of what has been called deinstituti…new treatment needs emerged. Ind living, community fx, work

7 Functional Assessment Domains and their Limitations
Objective information Availability; Relevance; low rate of occurrence Self-report Bias; Cognitive limitations Observation Situation-specificity of behavior Performance-based Practicality; content validity

8 What predicts (in)accurate clinician ratings of cognition
What predicts (in)accurate clinician ratings of cognition? Harvey et al, 2001 Should we just ask clients?

9 Functional Assessment: Why not just ask?
Convergence of Participant and Case Manager Ratings Pearson’s r dunning Bowie et al, J Psychiatric Research, 2007

10 Sadder…but Wiser Total Score Z-Score
Bowie et al, J Psychiatric Research, 2007

11 Cognitive Complaints in BPD
Self-reports were not significantly correlated with any of the objective measures. Relationship between self-reports and mood with ↑ cognitive complaints with depression and ↓ cognitive complaints with mania. Burdick et al. 2005

12 Description of Functional Capacity Measures
Performance of skilled acts associated with independent, community living Directly measurable and objective Proxy for adaptive community behavior Most common instrument ranges from 10 minutes (UPSA-Brief) to 25 minutes (UPSA) Newer, computerized measures entering the literature

13 Performance-Based Measures Balancing Merits & Issues
Mediate the cognition –functioning relationship Easy to administer, well tolerated Very good psychometric properties (comparable to cognition) Superior to cognition for predicting independent living and work Indirect relationship to cognitive change Issues with cultural adaptability?* Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Extrapersonal factors limit the relationship with actual community functioning No direct assessment of work* *As considered by expert opinion; note that several other studies have found nearly identical correlations with the UPSA and cognition and the UPSA and indicators of disability

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