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International Fellowships Program (IFP) in Thailand

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1 International Fellowships Program (IFP) in Thailand 2003-2013
Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) in Thailand

2 IFP Thailand 90 fellowships Male: 40 Female: 50 3 visually impaired
Master 82 36 Males 46 Females Ph.D. 8 4 Males 4 Females 90 fellowships Male: Female: 50 3 visually impaired

3 Thai IFP Fellows by Province

4 Sector & Degree (90 fellows) 1 39 6 23 18 2 Sector Ph.D. Master’s NGO
Academic 6 23 Government 18 Private 2

5 Field of Study

6 Distribution by host country
50% of fellows study abroad 70% of fellows study in English programs 50 Female (30 in-country/in-region, 20 outside) 40 Male (26 in-country/in-region, 14 outside)

7 IFP Fellowship and Degree Completion (88 fellowships)
58 fellows have completed their degree (66%) 13 fellows are still completing their degree (15%) 17 fellows have not received their degree (19%)

8 Background of IFP THAN The first alumni fellow graduated in October 2006 Collective skills mapping Thinking forward as a “group of social change agents” Invited keynote speakers Disadvantage => Advantage Types of leadership Working together: NGOs & Gos Received funding from IFP/NY for 2 projects since 2008

9 1st IFP Thailand Alumni Meeting Khon Kaen April 21-22, 2007

10 IFP Thailand Alumni Network (IFP THAN)
Vision Mission Logo Organizational structure

11 IFP Thailand Alumni Network (IFP THAN)
Manoon Manukachorn IFP THAN President Cohort 3 Pintong Lekan IFP THAN Vice President Cohort 5 Sirinath Matra IFP THAN Coordinator Cohort 4

12 Asian Scholarship Foundation
8 3 1 4 9 10 2 7 5 6 11 Asian Scholarship Foundation

13 IFP THAN Office Child Help Foundation, Khon Kaen

14 IFP THAN and IFP Committee meeting 7 September 2010

15 GLSJF in Khon Kaen - January 25-February 2, 2008

16 “Northeast community VS changes in the society” Khon Kaen University – August 15, 2009

17 Regional IFP Alumni Meeting (Disability Issues and Policy) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - November 12-17, 2009

18 International Seminar on “Cultural Diversity of Mekong River: Sharing Experiences from Japan and the Mekong Countries” organized by MSSRC Ubon Ratchathani – November 19-20, 2009

19 Esaan People Fair Khon Kaen - January 25-27, 2010

20 IFP India Alumni Network (IFP IAN) Jaipur, India - February 19-21, 2010

21 Humanities and Social Sciences Day Mahasarakham University – September 6-7, 2010

22 “Changing ways of life of ethnicities in the Mekong Region” Ubon Ratchathani – November 11-12, 2010

23 Northeastern Identity and Global Changes seminar Khon Kaen University – February 24, 2011

24 Media production and writing workshop Khon Kaen – February 4-5, 2012

25 Introduction to Knowledge Management workshop Bangkok – June 2-3, 2012

26 Introduction to Knowledge Management workshop Bangkok – June 2-3, 2012

27 Resource Mobilisation and Communication workshop Bangkok – July 9 – August 6, 2012


29 “ASEAN: Its impact and preparedness of Esaan Community” Khon Kaen – September 30, 2012

30 Morning: Panel Session

31 Afternoon: Parallel Sessions

32 International Conference on ASEAN Impacts on the Poor (ICAMP) Khon Kaen –December 9-11, 2012

33 Esaan Development Fair “กลับบ้านเฮา ฮักรออยู่” Khon Kaen- February 15 – 16, 2013

34 Esaan Development Fair “กลับบ้านเฮา ฮักรออยู่”

35 Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing Workshop Bangkok, March 9 – 15, 2013

36 IFP Fellows Meeting Bangkok-March 15, 2013

37 IFP Thailand Book “เสี่ยว”

38 IFP Thailand Book Compiles chronology of IFP Thailand operations since 2003 Highlights program objectives, operation, success Demonstrate IFP’s impact through photos and stories Interviews with IFP Thailand committee members Exclusive interviews with 15 Thai IFP alumni Chapter on IFP THAN To be distributed to GO, NGOs, and funding agencies Can be downloaded at

39 Beyond IFP program IFP Archives project Registration of IFP THAN
To be registered in Ubon Ratchathani province Bridging the gap between GO, NGO, private sector Resource center for development practitioners in the Northeast Capacity-building activities for local community/organization

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