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The general theory of relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The general theory of relativity 100 years 16:15 Prof. Tapio Markkanen, What do the stars tell us? The status of astronomy and the knowledge about the universe at the time the theory of relativity was born. Through centuries, astronomy has aimed to explain the motions of celestial bodies. In the early 1900s, the increased knowledge of matter and its interaction with radiation made it possible to raise the question of the buildup of the universe and the celestial structures. 17:10 Dr. Hannu Kurki-Suonio, The birth and the essence of the general theory of relativity I aim to describe in an understandable manner what the general theory of relativity is (and what it is not). The general theory of relativity is a creation of Albert Einstein, but not all of his ideas were realized in the final theory. The underlying principle behind general relativity is that the essence of gravity is geometrical in nature. Gravity is not a real force but an apparent force actually explained by the curvature of space-time. I will also describe some classical and modern tests of the theory of relativity. 18:00 Coffee break 18:20 Dr Tuomo Suntola, What could have been done differently if today’s instruments, observations and knowledge had been available to Einstein? The theories of relativity were based on the relativity and equivalence principles to make the laws of nature look the same for observers in any frame of reference. The laws of nature studied, included the laws of motion by Isaac Newton, Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism, and the phase velocity of light in an interferometric test setup. At Einstein’s time, following the Newtonian world picture, distant space was assumed to be static, and the structure of atoms as well as atomic clocks were unknown. What kind of new perspectives on a restructuring of the theory bases can be derived from today’s knowledge and observations? Is the geometry of space the cause of the effect of gravitation? Do motion and gravitation modify time or affect the characteristic frequency of atomic clocks? 19:15- Discussion on the theory of relativity and its role as the basis of our picture of reality. 20:00
The General Theory of Relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The General Theory of Relativity 100 years 18:20 Dr Tuomo Suntola What could have been done differently if today’s instruments, observations and knowledge had been available to Einstein? The theories of relativity were based on relativity and equivalence principles to make the laws of nature look the same for observers in any frame of reference. The laws of nature tested included the laws of motion by Isaac Newton, Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism and the phase velocity of light in an interferometric test setup. At Einstein’s time, following the Newtonian world picture, distant space was assumed to be static, the structure of atoms as well as atomic clocks were unknown. What kind of new perspectives on a restructuring of the theory bases can be derived from today’s knowledge and observations? Is the geometry of space the cause of the effect of gravitation? Do motion and gravitation modify time or do they affect the characteristic frequency of atomic clocks?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, 2015 3
What could have been done differently if today’s instruments, observations and knowledge had been available to Einstein? Tuomo Suntola The principle of relativity and the laws of nature. What has been observed regarding the behavior of clocks during the last 100 years? What does quantum mechanics tell us about the characteristic frequency of atomic clocks? From motion to gravitation or from gravitation to motion? The equivalence principle or the conservation of energy? Cosmological predictions.
The principle of relativity, the constancy of the velocity of light
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Special relativity1905 Maxwell’s equations and the constancy of the velocity of light are established by time dilation and length contraction (1899/1904) Hendrik Lorentz: Walter Kaufmann 1902 Henri Poincaré: Electromagnetic mass E=mc2 Olinto De Pretto E=mc2 The principle of relativity, the constancy of the velocity of light The definition of force here given is not advantageous, as was first shown by M. Planck. It is more to the point to define force in such a way that the laws of momentum and energy assume the simplest form.
Observations, Kaufmann 1902
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The principle of relativity is the requirement that the equations describing the laws of physics have the same form in all admissible frames of reference. How does the principle of relativity re-establish the Newtonian law of motion, F=ma ? v c t Newton: v = at v c t Observations, Kaufmann 1902 SR: v c t’ ? ENGLISH ? Kaufmann mittasi magneettista poikkeutusta (~1/mv) ja sähköstaattista poikkeutusta (~1/mv2). SR muodostui menestykseksi, sillä aikadilaatio toteutui myös atomikellojen ominaitaajudessa.
The general theory of relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The general theory of relativity 100 years Do we modify our observational reality in such a way that the laws of nature which we regard as real appear unchanged… … or … … should we identify the laws of nature that apply in our natural observational reality where time and location have unequivocal meanings?
The fourth dimension – the concept of space-time
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The fourth dimension – the concept of space-time Maxwell’s equations and the constancy of the velocity of light are established by time dilation and length contraction (1899/1904) Hendrik Lorentz: ds2 = dx 2 +dy 2 +dz 2 – (icdt’)2 Henri Poincaré: Lorentz-transformation can be described as a rotation of the coordinate system (1905) Herman Minkowski ”Minkowski space” (1908) What is the distance travelled in a space-time frame of reference, which has velocity v0,1,2 relative to an observer? The definition of force here given is not advantageous, as was first shown by M. Planck. It is more to the point to define force in such a way that the laws of momentum and energy assume the simplest form. v0=0 0<v1<c 0≪v2<c
The principle of relativity
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The principle of relativity A A B B The principle of relativity, the constancy of the velocity of light
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, 2015 9
What has been observed?
Velocity – relative to what?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Velocity – relative to what? 1970s >> Global Positioning System (GPS) f e 1976 Gravity Probe A Hydrogen maser to km. Maser transmitter receiver f' f" 1971 (Hafele-Keating) Cesium-clocks in airplanes. 1960s Mössbauer experiments ”Rest clock” in the laboratory 1938 (Ives, Stilwell), ion beam (H2+, H3+) ”canal-ray” ”Rest clock” relative to the rotation of the Earth
Velocity – relative to what?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Velocity – relative to what? ”Rest clock” in Solar frame Pioneer spacecraft Solar energy frame Laboratory energy frame Earth energy frame
The general theory of relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The general theory of relativity 100 years Are the different frequencies of clocks due to different flow of time they experience … … or … … does the state of motion and gravitation affect the characteristic frequency of the clocks? What does the quantum mechanical solution of the characteristic frequency of atomic oscillators tell us?
Which quantities determine the characteristic frequency?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Which quantities determine the characteristic frequency? Characteristic frequency: The energy states of a hydrogen atom: j is the "total angular momentum“ (impulssimomentti, pyörimismäärä) quantum number, which is equal to |ℓ ± 1⁄2| depending on the direction of the electron spin. The Planck constant The fine structure constant
Planck’s equation Radiation is emitted as quanta:
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Planck’s equation Radiation is emitted as quanta: The power of radiation can be solved from Maxwell’s equations: The energy in a cycle of radiation is solved by multiplying the power by the cycle time :
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, 2015 15
Planck’s equation Planck’s equation describes the energy emitted by the transition of a single electron to a radiation cycle in a ”quantum antenna” B q r E j z0
Which quantities do determine the characteristic frequency?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Which quantities do determine the characteristic frequency? The frequency of an atomic clock is directly proportional to the velocity of light! Characteristic frequency: The energy states of a hydrogen atom: j is the "total angular momentum“ (impulssimomentti, pyörimismäärä) quantum number, which is equal to |ℓ ± 1⁄2| depending on the direction of the electron spin. The Planck constant The fine structure constant
The general theory of relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The general theory of relativity 100 years The characteristic frequency of an atomic clock is directly proportional to the velocity of light and the rest mass of an electron → ”the rest momentum”. Motion increases the effective inertial mass observed in the momentum in space directions … … does motion affect the rest mass and the rest momentum ?
Space-time or 4D momentum?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Space-time or 4D momentum? Walter Kaufmann Henri Poincaré: Lorentz-transformation can be described as a rotation of the coordinate system (1905) Herman Minkowski ”Minkowski space”
The general theory of relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The general theory of relativity 100 years Motion reduces the rest momentum of an atomic oscillator and , accordingly, its characteristic frequency by factor The slowed frequency of a clock in motion can be seen as a direct consequence of the energy state of the clock in motion!
The system of nested energy frames
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The system of nested energy frames
The general theory of relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The general theory of relativity 100 years Motion, as an energy state, is not relative to an observer, … but … to the state of rest in the system supplying the energy of motion.
Velocity – relative to what?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Velocity – relative to what? Rest clock in the Solar frame Pioneer spacecraft Solar energy frame Laboratory energy frame Earth energy frame
From motion to gravitation.
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, From motion to gravitation.
Karl Schwarzschild ”Schwarzschild space”
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, From motion to gravitation: The equivalence principle Einstein – Minkowski - Schwarzschild Newton’s energy of free fall r : The kinetic energy gained is equal to the gravitational energy released The equivalence principle: ainert = agrav Herman Minkowski ”Minkowski space” The definition of force here given is not advantageous, as was first shown by M. Planck. It is more to the point to define force in such a way that the laws of momentum and energy assume the simplest form. Karl Schwarzschild ”Schwarzschild space” r M
From motion to gravitation
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, From motion to gravitation The 4D geometry of space as derived from the gravitational energy released in the buildup of mass centers in space.
Motion in the 4th dimension
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Motion in the 4th dimension Motion in the fourth dimension leads to the conclusion of spherically closed space as the 3-”surface” of a 4D sphere. In such a structure the vector sum of local rest momentums in whole space is zero .
27 In his lectures on gravitation in the early 1960s Richard Feynman (1918–1988) pondered the structure of space: “... If now we compare the total gravitational energy Eg= GMtot2/R to the total rest energy of the universe, Erest = Mtot c 2, lo and behold, we get the amazing result that GMtot2/R = Mtot c 2, so that the total energy of the universe is zero. — It is exciting to think that it costs nothing to create a new particle, since we can create it at the center of the universe where it will have a negative gravitational energy equal to Mtot c 2. — Why this should be so is one of the great mysteries — and therefore one of the important questions of physics. After all, what would be the use of studying physics if the mysteries were not the most important things to investigate.” and further ... “...One intriguing suggestion is that the universe has a structure analogous to that of a spherical surface. If we move in any direction on such a surface, we never meet a boundary or end, yet the surface is bounded and finite. It might be that our three-dimensional space is such a thing, a tridimensional surface of a four sphere. The arrangement and distribution of galaxies in the world that we see would then be something analogous to a distribution of spots on a spherical ball.”
The effect of local gravitation and motion on the rest energy
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The effect of local gravitation and motion on the rest energy The combined effects of motion and gravitation on the rest energy
The system of nested energy frames
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The system of nested energy frames Homogeneous space relative to gravitational center M1 Homogeneous space relative to gravitational center M2 M2 M3 Homogeneous space relative to gravitational center M3 M1 R1
Velocity and gravitational state – relative to what?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Velocity and gravitational state – relative to what? Rest clock in the Solar frame Pioneer spacecraft Solar energy frame Laboratory energy frame Earth energy frame
The system of nested energy frames
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The system of nested energy frames Hypothetical homogeneous space
What is it all about in relativity?
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola What is it all about in relativity? A holistic perspective on space as an energy system relates the local to the whole via the system of nested energy frames. Relativity tells about the finiteness of the total energy in space.
What is the fate of the famous equation
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, What is the fate of the famous equation The reformulation taking into account the energy structures in space: where is the R4-velocity of space is the local 4D-velocity (=local velocity of light) is the local rest mass … more complex, but it returns observables to the natural observational reality, where both time and location have univocal meanings – and – cancels the need for a separate relativity theory.
Consequences of the relativity and equivalence principles
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Consequences of the relativity and equivalence principles The concept time is confusing. The predicted angular sizes of distant objects appear oversized. Relativity principle Orbits in the vicinity of black holes become unstable. Observed magnitudes of distant objects are moved to ”emitters’ rest frame”. Equivalence principle Orbits in the vicinity of black holes are stable. Distant space appears ”Euclidean”. Energy principle The precise prediction for magnitudes is obtained without additional parameters like dark energy. The characteristic frequency of an atomic clock is determined by the energy state of the clock.
Space as an energy system
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, Space as an energy system The study of space as an energy system produces precise predictions for cosmological observables without additional parameters like density parameters or the dark energy . Also, it gives an understandable picture of the energy buildup in space; the rest energy of mass is obtained against release of gravitational energy in a contraction phase before the singularity … … in the ongoing expansion phase, the “the energy debt” is paid back to gravitation.
The zero-energy balance of motion and gravitation
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The zero-energy balance of motion and gravitation contraction expansion contraction The energy of gravitation The energy of motion time expansion DU-mallin kehittämiseen Suomen Akatemialta 1996 hakemaani apurahaan liittyvästä asiantuntija-lausunnosta 1996: ”Työn tavoite on naiivi ja perustuu liian yksinkertaiseen luonnon ilmiöitä kuvaavan teorian käsitykseen ... Irrelevantti Ei kontakteja muihin tutkijoihin, eikä matemaattisen fysiikan laajempaa tuntemusta ... Merkittäviä tuloksia ei ole odotettavissa Ei myönnetä tukea.”
The general theory of relativity 100 years
The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, The House of Sciences, Helsinki November 10, The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki T. Suntola The general theory of relativity 100 years The energy based analysis would not have been possible in the early 1900s. The re-evaluation of the theory structures has been made possible by the overall scientific development enabled by the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics and the dramatically improved observation technology. Congratulations to the 100-year old senior!
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