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Estimation Rounding to the nearest tens and hundreds place. (If you just want to practice, click here!)

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Presentation on theme: "Estimation Rounding to the nearest tens and hundreds place. (If you just want to practice, click here!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimation Rounding to the nearest tens and hundreds place. (If you just want to practice, click here!)

2 Estimating is making an approximation of a number or numbers.

3 Estimating is making an approximation of a number or numbers.
One way to estimate is to round.

4 Estimating is making an approximation of a number or numbers.
One way to estimate is to round. You round by figuring out what number is closest to another number.

5 Estimating is making an approximation of a number or numbers.
How to round to the nearest ten: Look at a 2-digit number. Ex. 32 Look at the digit in the ones place. Ex. 32 Figure out if the number is closer to the next ten up or the ten it’s currently at. ( 1; 2; 3; 4 round down, 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 round up.) Ex. 32 is closer to 30 than 40, so you round down.

6 Estimating is making an approximation of a number or numbers.
You can use that same formula to round to any place.

7 Estimating is making an approximation of a number or numbers.
You can use that same formula to round to any place. Look one digit behind the place you want to round to, and figure out if you should round up or down.

8 Now Let’s Test Our Rounding Skills!
Ready… Set… Round!

9 Round these numbers to the nearest ten!
23 67 34 28 90 64 87 Now for a challenge! 234 888 612 99 609 226

10 Round these numbers to the nearest hundred!
267 384 222 489 919 456 234 Now for a challenge! 2368 6344 1922 6777 3637 9999

11 Thanks for practicing rounding with us!
Practice pages may be reproduced for non-profit purposes. ©2015 Nick’s Learning Presentations.

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