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Future Portfolio of Products & Services

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Presentation on theme: "Future Portfolio of Products & Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Future Portfolio of Products & Services
Customer Focus Project Future Portfolio of Products & Services News Hooks Indicators Dashboard Business Market Tool Iwi Reports Standard Iwi Datasets Access to Unit Record Data For Māori Interactive Topic Summaries Analytical Insight Reports Configurable Topic-based Datasets By topic Interactive Place Summaries Configurable Place Datasets By area Information Help Desk Notification Service Pre-publication Access to Data Continuous Data Feed Customised Data Requests Services Support for Developing NSOs Data Provider Support Data & Statistical Advice Low High Complexity New Change to existing Existing

2 Customer Value from Customer Intelligence
Offer the right things… in the right place & way.. then stimulate use & track value Customer Intelligence Information needs & intended use Delivery & interaction preferences Actual awareness, use & satisfaction Corresponding Action Align products/ services Refine delivery approaches Market to & engage customers

3 Product/service Value Framework
Measuring Customer Value ($) Precursors to Value Indicators of Value 1. Awareness 2. Access 3. Use 4. Satisfaction The extent to which target customers know about the product/service we offer, or find them through normal enquiry methods. The number of customers that went to the product/ service – definitions of access can vary by product/service (e.g. web page landings) The number of customers that continued on to actually use the product/service – definitions of use can vary (e.g. downloaded data) The extent to which customers’ needs & expectations were met – reflects total customer experience including navigation, design, features, data, staff etc. % of target segment # / month # / month Net Promoter Score Marketing Channels Navigation Design Features Data Interaction

4 Product/service dashboard (mock-up) (fictitious figures)

5 The Net Promoter Score Q1. How likely are you to recommend `(product/service/channel) to a friend or colleague? Promoters Passives Detractors 7 Sep 2015

6 Some initial measurement
86%* Benchmark 40% 58% 42% 16% 6% -19%** Info Help Desk Customised Data Web Help Chat Subscriptions Release Notifications Website * Customers surveyed were those the Info Help Desk spent more time with based on a need for more personalized information. ** Survey placed on 26 pages across customer segment representative areas of the website. 7 Sep 2015

7 Score breakdown 7 Sep 2015

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