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Module 10: Customer Satisfaction

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1 Module 10: Customer Satisfaction
Member Satisfaction Survey

2 Teladoc Service Excellence starts with you!
Member Survey Teladoc Service Excellence starts with you!  We're committed to providing access to high quality care for our members, and are very proud that 95% of the patients we serve tell us they are satisfied with their experience. Our analysis shows that the single largest contributor to satisfaction is your interaction with the customer.  Our goal for Customer Satisfaction is to stay at 95% or better. In an effort to meet this goal in this highly competitive environment, we’re asking that you remember our high touch culture by continuing to strive for the highest standards of service through quality, reliability and patient safety.

3 Member Survey Members receive their survey link via 72 hours after their consult has been completed. Teladoc’ s satisfaction is measured based on the following key questions: Was the representative courteous and helpful? Overall, how would you rate the service provided by the Teladoc physician? Overall, how would you rate the Teladoc service? Would you refer your friends to Teladoc? Teladoc’ s average response rate exceeds 10% Question 1.a and 1.b will reflect differently depending on how the member accessed the service (online vs. call center)

4 Member Survey – Physician Experience
Below are the physician related questions: Important questions you should consider while speaking with the patient: Am I listening and do I clearly understand the patient’s issue? Is the patient comfortable asking me questions? Overall, do I feel the patient felt good about their encounter with me?

5 Member Survey – Call Center & Prescription Experience
Teladoc does employ additional technology to measure caller wait times 100% of all calls are recorded at the call center Although we do not control what happens once the prescription is called into the pharmacy, we do monitor for impacts to overall satisfactions

6 Member Survey – Teladoc Overall Experience
Question 4.a serves as a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for Teladoc. The remaining survey questions are used for a variety of reasons.

7 Member Survey – Net Promoter Score
Lastly, In October 2014 Teladoc incorporated a net promoter question, a broadly accepted metric that allows us to benchmark our experience within the industry and against other industries as well. Net Promoter divides a company’s customers into three categories. "Promoters" are loyal enthusiasts who keep buying from a company and urge their friends to do the same. "Passives" are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who can be easily wooed by the competition. And "detractors" are unhappy customers trapped in a bad relationship. How likely are you to refer a friend to Teladoc? O 10 O 9 O 8 O 7 O 6 O 5 O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1 Promoters Passives Detractors The best way to gauge the efficiency of a company's growth engine is to take the percentage of customers who are promoters and subtract the percentage who are detractors. This equation is how we calculate our Net Promoter Score for Teladoc.

8 Provider Dashboard – Display individual key performance indicators
Member Survey – New in 2015 Regression Analysis on survey data completed annually. Teladoc can determine success stories (what’s going well) as well as identify opportunities (what can we do better) Provider Dashboard – Display individual key performance indicators Implement a new member satisfaction survey Implement a post call survey option for all members calling into the call center to book their consultation

9 You are truly the KEY to our success!
Member Survey – You Are The Key Thank you for joining the Teladoc team and for your dedication to serving our members. You are truly the KEY to our success!

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