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Laborlabs Living labs for employment

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Presentation on theme: "Laborlabs Living labs for employment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Laborlabs Living labs for employment
Artur Serra i2cat/Citilab. II Workshop The Mediterranean as Living Lab Basakshehir. Istanbul July 2017.

2 1. The problem

3 European Youth Unemployment Rate August 2015

4 Young People Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)



7 2. Laborlabs: imaging, experimenting, testing on jobs.

8 Laborlab, first version. 2010

9 Laborlab: Invent your own job! Personal Project approach:
Projectum versus Curriculum 9 9

10 Transforming an entrepreneur in a VET Teacher


12 “InnovaFP Program”: Transforming
VET teachers In innovators 62 Vocational Training institutes 248 professors 624 students 180 companies 315 projects euros

13 From Scratch: “Computational thinking” for everyone
13 13 13 13

14 Some provisional lessons:
Learning to innovate is the new key for living labs. Including, as soon as possible, learning to code, but go beyond. Bringing entrepreneurs and innovators to teaching. Learning to innovate as new mantra for VET Training. If you want a job, dont look for a job: invent a project, invent your job!!. Develop laborlabs to design and to experiment how to do it.

15 Laborlabs as part of Regional network of Living labs


17 Thanks a lot  Artur Serra, i2cat/Citilab.
II Workshop The Mediterranean as Living Lab Basakshehir. Istanbul July 2017.

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