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Quaestio: How did the Papacy increase its power during the middle ages

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1 Quaestio: How did the Papacy increase its power during the middle ages
Quaestio: How did the Papacy increase its power during the middle ages? Nunc Agenda: While the monks finish copying, abbots should challenge them with their questions and record how well they do. All monks should listen to each other in order to learn.

2 Quaestio: How did the Papacy increase its power during the middle ages
Quaestio: How did the Papacy increase its power during the middle ages? Nunc Agenda: Complete the first question on the east West Schism Worksheet with your partner.

3 Papal Presidency Presidential Pope Papacy
Vocab Clarified President Papal Presidency Presidential Pope Papacy

4 Monastic Questions Why was Benedictine Rule so strict?
How were Celtic Monks in Ireland different than monks in mainland Europe? How were Friars different from other monks?

5 Papal Reform 900s-1000s: Popes had little power, Bishops made most decisions Popes mostly nobles, more focused on politics than religious faith 1049: Pope Leo IX believed clergy corrupt, worked on reforms Fought simony (buying/selling church offices) by firing guilty bishops, excommunicating the worst Enforced Papal Supremacy (Pope is BAE) Angered many Kings as well as Bishops who wanted to retain their own power Excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople over disagreement, leading to East-West Schism

6 Power of the Church Popes had secular (non-religious) power

7 Investiture Controversy
Pope Gregory VII vs King Henry IV of Germany …also Holy Roman Emperor

8 Holy Roman Empire 700s- Charlemagne’s Empire (included France and Germany) broke into separate states 962- German King Otto I helped the Pope fight his enemies Pope crowned Otto HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR (abbr. HRE)

9 Investiture Controversy
Pope Gregory VII vs King Henry IV of Germany …also Holy Roman Emperor

10 Investiture Controversy
Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture- practice of having secular ruler chose bishops, he said only the Pope has that power HRE Henry IV argued that bishops were his vassals since he gave them land, so he should have the power 1076- Gregory excommunicated Henry and planned to crown a new HRE! 1077- Gregory begged forgiveness from the Pope and the Pope had to forgive him Concordat of Worms- agreement that said Popes chose bishops but Emperors grant them land

11 Page 251

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