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Viewbiquity HTML5 Tom Shafron Developer’s Blog CEO, Viewbiquity

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2 Viewbiquity HTML5 Tom Shafron Developer’s Blog CEO, Viewbiquity

3 Viewbiquity App Server
VCI Elements Viewbiquity Cloud Operation and Execution Application Maintenance Client and App Server profile management Automated Alerts – , text, text to speech Events and Actions Events and Actions NOC or Web-connected device Viewbiquity Client View/Monitor Control Communicate Command & Control Viewbiquity App Server Communicates with Viewbiquity Cloud Connects to input and output devices Secure operation and execution behind firewall Operates on one or many off-the shelf computers for seamless redundancy HTTP, XML, SNMP, etc. Network and process mgmt.

4 App Types GUI – presentation and control
Written in HTML/JavaScript (jQuery Mobile) Scripts – runs once and shuts down Written in JavaScript Often used to load apps on startup etc. Service – 24/7 in the background Classes – object-oriented libraries One class per file

5 Revisions and Releases
Every save is a revision Logging and Diff Revisions can be released as Release, Stable or Development version Users can subscribe to specific releases locking them to that release

6 Object Oriented Viewbiquity.getclass(objid)
Returns the class definition Viewbiquity.newobject(objid) Instantiates a new instance of the class Private, Public and Class (static) members this.member - public this.CLASS.member – static public var member - private

7 Dependencies Classes can be dependencies of any app type
Viewbiquity ensures dependencies are all loaded recursively Dependencies are combined and minimized to reduce download connections and bytes

8 Help Integrated into IDE
Includes definitions, arguments and code examples Developers live update help to their libraries Adding a dependency imports the help into the dev environment Code completion coming soon


10 Event Details Developer defined structure Logged and searchable
Data Layers Must be associated with a device or user Permissions checked on all events

11 Event Trigger and Subscription
Viewbiquity.trigger sends an event to the cloud Viewbiquity.subscribeevent subscribes an application to an event

12 Coding of an Event


14 Viewbiquity RPC Almost identical syntax to standard function call
Pass complex objects as arguments or return values Callbacks passed to RPC functions are called on the client

15 Coding of an RPC Client and Server

16 More Info Developer’s Blog Web Site Email
Web Site

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