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Introduction to Community Dentistry 2

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1 Introduction to Community Dentistry 2
Dr. Abdelmonem Altarhony Introduction to Community Dentistry 2

2 COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students should be able to apply following clinical and preventive procedures: Maintain the concepts of work simplification, and provide the greatest degree of comfort, safety, and health to both patient and operator. History taking and clinical examination. Oral health measurement indices. Pit and fissure sealant application. Topical fluoride application Oral prophylaxis.

3 TEACHING METHODOLOGY Teaching will be in the form of lectures and practical sessions. Students will be encouraged to discuss various relevant topics. Practical sessions will include hands on workshops. Clinical requirements submission and case presentation.

4 METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Assessment will be through classroom quizzes/assignments/subjective, monthly exams and final exams. The marks will be divided as following: Assessment Marks Continuous assessment: Quizzes/assignments/subjective Clinical requirements/ log book Attendance 10 45 5 Total continuous assessment: 60 Final Exam: Written Objective or / and oral exam 30 Total final exam 40 Total: 100

5 COURSE CONTENTS Infection control measures
Operator/patient positioning History taking and examination DMFT index Gingival and periodontal indices Fluoride application Fissure sealant application Chair side oral hygiene instructions

6 Week Date Lecture Topics 1 Introduction 2 , 3 and 4 Infection control measures: 5 Operator/patient positioning 6, 7 DMFT index 8,9 Gingival and periodontal indices: 10,11 Fluoride application: 12,13 Fissure sealant application: 14 Chair side oral hygiene instructions:

7 Refrences Primary Preventive Dentistry, 6th Edition 2003 By: Norman O. Harris

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