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Technical Manual Writing and Content

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1 Technical Manual Writing and Content
Dr. Lam TECM 4250

2 Two Types of Content in your Manual
Descriptive content – Used to provide context and support your intended audience Procedural content – Used to tell your reader exactly what to do

3 Where Can Descriptive Content go?
Introduction E.g., Materials needed E.g., Interface overview Within a specific step (but separated visually) E.g., Here’s what it should look like during or after this step (The bloom should bubble if the grounds are fresh) E.g., Special considerations or options In special sections that are visually distinct E.g., Warning sections; definitions;

4 What descriptive content should I include?
Consider audience questions as you write your instructions How important is the temperature of the water? Do you count the 45 seconds of bloom time with the total time? What does wetting the filter do? What difference does the coarseness of the grind make? What kind of coffee should I use?

5 Main Types of Descriptive Content to Consider
Outcome of a step (How can a user know that they have completed a step or group of steps correctly?) Warnings (What should a user watch out for, and not just safety?) E.g., Be careful not to pour the water in too quickly as it will disrupt the bloom. Reasoning/Rationale (Why should you do something in this particular way?)

6 Examine Descriptive Content
What kind of descriptive content is included in each manual? Where do the manuals present descriptive content? How do they use visual design to make it different than procedural content? ENG_REVD_WEB.pdf pdf

7 General structure of Procedural Content
Task overview (short description of the task for the user) This section should also provide necessary context/information for completing the task Task Procedure (can be broken into multiple stages) Clearly state each step Provide outcome in visually distinct way Rule of thumb: 5-9 steps per stage Descriptive Content (optional)

8 Examine Procedural Content
What do you notice about the writing style of procedural content? How is extra information that is not directly part of a procedure (e.g., result of a procedure) displayed? Do the manuals use any special visual distinctions? What do you notice about the introduction to each task? What kind of information is presented? G_REVD_WEB.pdf

9 General writing style for manuals
Begin all procedural steps with an imperative form of a verb. e.g., locate, turn on, press, etc. Conciseness is highly valued. Active verbs S-V-O structure Avoid redundancy Use Plain English Present information without using elevated language Avoid jargon

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