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PART IV: The Potential of Algorithmic Machines.

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Presentation on theme: "PART IV: The Potential of Algorithmic Machines."— Presentation transcript:

1 PART IV: The Potential of Algorithmic Machines

2 Artificial Intelligence.
Theory of Computation.

3 Ch. 10 Artificial Intelligence
Some philosophical issues. Image analysis. Reasoning. Control system activities. Using Heuristics. Artificial neural networks. Applications of AI.

4 Some Philosophical Issues
Machines Vs. humans. Performance Vs. simulation. Intelligence as an interior characteristic - Turing test and program DOCTOR (ELIZA). How to create an intelligent machine?

5 10.1 Intelligence and Machines
Turing Test : 1950, Alan Turing proposed a test to evaluate the intelligent behavior of a machine.

6 Figure 10.1: Our puzzle-solving machine

7 An Intelligent puzzle-solving machine
This machine takes the form of a metal box equipped with a gripper, a video camera, and a finger with a rubber end so that it does not slip when pushing something. Actions: Turn on the machine Place the puzzle The finger pushes the tiles back to the original order Turn off the machine.

8 10.2 Image Analysis The first intelligent behavior required by the puzzle-solving machine is the extraction of information through a visual medium. Perceive ability - determine the current status of the puzzle. Optical character readers. Character recognition based on matching the geometric characteristics.

9 Figure 10.2: The eight-puzzle in its solved configuration

10 Figure 10.3: A small portion of the eight-puzzle’s state graph

11 10.3 Reasoning Is possible to develop proper programs targeted to all possible initial configurations (in total 181,440 of them)? Develop a program which can solve the problem itself - the ability to make decisions, draw conclusions, and in short, perform elementary reasoning activities.

12 Reasoning A production system consists of three main components:
1. A collection of states - start/goal states. 2. A collection of productions (rules). 3. A control system - which consists of the logic that solves the problem of moving from the start state to the goal state. State graph - conceptualizing all states, rules, and preconditions in a production system.

13 Reasoning Start state Goal state Socrates is a man.
All men are humans. All humans are mortal. Start state Socrates is a man. All men are humans. All humans are mortal. Socrates is a human. Goal state Socrates is a man. All men are humans. All humans are mortal. Socrates is a human. Socrates is mortal.

14 Figure 10.4: Deductive reasoning in the context of a production system

15 Control System Activities
A state-graph traversal problem. Search tree. How to build a search tree? It is impractical to develop a full search tree for a complex problem. Using depth-first construction instead of breadth-first manner. Avoiding redundancy.

16 Figure 10.5: An unsolved eight-puzzle

17 Figure 10.6: A sample search tree (continued)

18 Figure 10.6: A sample search tree (continued)

19 Figure 10.6: A sample search tree (continued)

20 Figure 10.6: A sample search tree

21 Figure 10.7: Productions stacked for later execution

22 Figure 10.8: An unsolved eight-puzzle

23 Figure 10.9: An algorithm for a control system using heuristics

24 Using Heuristics Heuristics - the use of intuition, a rule of thumb which may lead to a correct direction but offer no assurance on it. How to develop a heuristic - first develop a quantitative measure by which a program can determine which of several states is considered closest to the goal (cost function).

25 Figure 10.10: The beginning of our heuristic search

26 Figure 10.11: The search tree after two passes

27 Figure 10.12: The search tree after three passes

28 Figure 10.13: The complete search tree formed by our heuristic system

29 10.4 Artificial Neural Networks
Neural networks - model networks of neurons in living biological systems. Compute effective inputs Threshold value Output 0 or 1 I1W1+…+InWn

30 Figure 10.14: A neuron in a living biological system

31 Figure 10.15: The activities within a processing unit

32 Figure 10.16: Representation of a processing unit

33 Figure 10.17: A neural network with two different programs (continued)

34 Figure 10.17: A neural network with two different programs

35 Figure 10.18: Uppercase C and uppercase T

36 Figure 10.19: Various orientations of the letters C and T (continued)

37 Figure 10.20: The structure of the character recognition system

38 Figure 10.21: The letter C in the field of view

39 Figure 10.22: The letter T in the field of view

40 Figure 10. 23: An artificial neural network
Figure 10.23: An artificial neural network implementing an associative memory

41 Figure 10.24: The steps leading to a stable configuration (continued)

42 Figure 10.24: The steps leading to a stable configuration

43 Figure 10.25: Crossing two poker-playing strategies

44 Figure 10. 26: Coding the topology of an artificial
Figure 10.26: Coding the topology of an artificial neural network (continued)

45 Figure 10.26: Coding the topology of an artificial neural network

46 Figure 10.27: A semantic net

47 10.6 Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Language processing. Robotics. Database systems. Expert systems.


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