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Trust and Distrust in Civil-Military Relations

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1 Trust and Distrust in Civil-Military Relations
The Case of Israel and the OT Institute for Human and Social Sciences National Defense Academy Vienna, Austria November 2013 Daniel Beaudoin

2 It is challenging to create trust between the military and civilian sectors
Military instrument of evil Disciplined vs. lax Purposeful vs. scattered Since the early 1990s, Civil-Military Cooperation makes part of a heated debate within the civilian, humanitarian and military community regarding their relationship with each other. Today’s military operations take place in complex environments. The military, multiple civilian and humanitarian institutions have to face a challenging and broader range of issues. In various cases the military has been confronted with tasks that are not precisely 'military' in nature. This has increased the importance of managing the civil-military interface, predominantly the one between the military and the humanitarian organisations. And yet, it is argued, and experienced, a distrust between the…

3 Civil military coordination is a necessity
In complex emergencies   Logistic support Security to aid missions When humanitarian needs exceed the capacity of a single agency. To the humanitarian aid network provides efficiency in terms of cost, labor and resources for the aid organizations. A significant impetus behind efforts towards humanitarian coordination.

4 CIMIC in Israel and the OT

5 Who are the actors in the aid network in the OT?
EUROPEAN UNION, EUROPEAN COMMISION WORLD BANK EMBASSIES TIPH (Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Turkey) OCHA (Coordinator of Hum. Affairs) UNSCO (UN Special Coordinator) UNRWA (UN Relief and Works) WHO (World Health Org.) UN Organizations UNDP (UN development program) UNICEF WFP (World Food Program) The OpT is characterized by a significant humanitarian network, and a developed civil military coordination mechanism Many org’s representing a variety of agendas: some practical and solution oriented, some which are not: Political motivations, naming and shaming…. U.S.A.I.D ANERA CRS SAVE THE CHILDREN CARE WORLD VISION ICRC MSF (Doctors without Borders)

6 Israeli CIMIC structure - COGAT
Prime Minister Minister of Defense Chief of General Staff Head of COGAT The unit remains stable and mode of operation does not change with the change of political leadership. Includes representatives of all the relevant government offices, in order to serve the Palestinian population in all civilian sectors in an efficient manner. Short chain of command from the soldier at the checkpoint to the Minister of Defense. Strikes the balance between the civilian needs of the Palestinian population and the security necessities of the State of Israel. Long term accumulated knowledge of the population – at all levels (merchants, tribal affiliations, academic and social leadership, etc). Intimate knowledge and understanding of the region’s religious and cultural characteristics and traditions. Professional training facilities which includes: language, regional mentality and specific responsibilities. Civil servants from the different government offices are represented and are subordinate to the unit. In addition to coordinating and conveying messages to the Palestinian side, COGAT is qualified to ease tensions at the field level due to it’s professional experience working on a daily basis with the Palestinian side and direct contacts within the Palestinian population. que coordination mechanism on three main issues The humanitarian situation in the OT is coordinated between COGAT and the international community; not a situation of military intervention to safeguard the humanitarian need and human rights of the Palestinian population COGAT reports directly to the Israel MOD, and also works together with the IDF, but is not subordinated to it. This is unlike the NATO and other models in Afghanistan, Iraq where the cimic officers report directly to their military superiors, and not the MOD. The only Major General in the IDF, other than the COS directly reporting to the MOD Much emphasis on persuasion with the military; although in uniform, COGAT does not receive its evaluation from the military, but from the COS. Gaza Strip Coordination & Liaison Administration West Bank Civil Administration Coordination & Liaison School 9 D.C.L’s

7 The unique civil military interface in the OT Palestinian Authority
Israel Military (IDF) Government ministries Settlement authorities Police International organizations, NGO’s and foreign reps COGAT Palestinian Authority

8 West Bank: CIMIC liaison
Tulkarem Jenin Qalqilya Nablus Ramallah Jericho Jerusalem DCL – seam zone challenges, agriculture, olive groves LTCs Arabic speakers Much more direct contact and cooperation with counterparts from the PA on civilian issues (water, electricity, education and health) Bethlehem Jerusalem Hebron

9 The military security regime in the OT
Checkpoints spread across the West Bank Ambulances transporting terrorists Weapons and information flow

10 The aid community demands free access within and out of the OT
The delivery of food and medical supplies Movement of project equipment Movement of aid staff

11 Balancing the needs COGAT Security Aid

12 Coordination and trust
UN reform 1997 and the need to "act coherently“ and with "unity of purpose" (Report of the Secretary General, A/51/950, 14 July, 1997) Coordination: "systematic utilization of policy instruments to deliver humanitarian assistance in a cohesive and effective manner" (Minear L, Chelliah UBP, Crisp J et al, 1992).

13 Trust is the basis for CIMIC
“Our interest encapsulates or includes the other because we wish to maintain our relationship with the other” (Cook, 2005). If we value maintenance of a particular relationship, we will behave in a trustworthy manner toward the other, and if the other recognizes our interest in being trustworthy, the other will trust us.

14 The distrust cycle Confusion Unreliable perception Suspicion + +
Lack of coordination Mission instability Daniel Beaudoin

15 The trust cycle Trust Reliable perception Clarity + + Coordination
Mission stability Daniel Beaudoin

16 The various faces of trust
UNRWA ICRC Advocacy operational Technical operational Public naming and shaming Discrete Asymmetric Balanced Political Apolitical Onus of responsibility on Israel, alibi for future financial problems Heavy financial burdens due to the “emergency” conditions in Gaza The word “Hamas” is mentioned in passing, “tucked away in the back” Arab-Israeli conflict – basically a code name for Israeli imposed restrictions Financial projections and difficulties not projected onto one party Acceptance and reputation of prime concern

17 Thank you Daniel Beaudoin

18 Gaza strip – main crossings
In the case of military operations, the GS may be divided into operational areas. This division can potentially compromise the ability of the IAOs to distribute aid and medicine. Liaison officers mediate between the international community and military, at all of the command levels, from company to brigade and battalion. Issues that are not solved in the field are raised to Southern Command and to Central HQ. Daniel Beaudoin

19 Fighting an enemy that deliberately hides it’s fighters and munitions among civilians presents complex operational and ethical dilemmas. Military operations become even more complex when combat can easily result in civilian casualties, drawing charges of unethical behavior and of the disproportionate or/and indiscriminate use of force Daniel Beaudoin





24 The OpT is characterized by a significant humanitarian network, and a developed civil military coordination mechanism Many org’s representing a variety of agendas: some practical and solution oriented, some which are not: Political motivations, naming and shaming….












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