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Myths, Legends and Folktales

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1 Myths, Legends and Folktales

2 This term we will be thinking about
What is the purpose of stories in our society? What do these stories tell us about the culture they come form? How are stories shaped? Are there similarities between stories from different cultures?

3 Assessments Week 6: Research assignment
Week 9-10: Speaking presentation

4 Stories Humans have been telling stories to each other since the advent of language. Even before then, people told stories through painting and drawing. Many of these stories were passed down orally before being written down.

5 Legends Usually based on a true event, but may be exaggerated.
Will often have been passed down through generations.

6 Myths Different from legends.
Loosely based on real life, but more of a story that teaches about an important event. Often used to explain the world and things like natural disasters, the setting of the sun. Some myths are thousands of years old.

7 Folktales Stories that have been passed down through generations in spoken form. We often don’t know the original author. There are often many different versions. Venn diagram.

8 Can you think of any Maori myths and legends?

9 Kupe’s travel around Aotearoa – Kupe’s battle with a giant octpus
Maui – How he slowed the sun -How he fished up Aotearoa -How he brought fire to the world

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