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Presentation on theme: "Cancer and Fibroblast CHUNGNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY"— Presentation transcript:

MEDICAL SCHOOL of Biochemistry JI Lab. Hong Bum Park

2 Cancer association other cell
Fibroblast BMSC Tissue MSC Adipocyte

3 Cancer cell culture & heterogeneity
Cancer cell heterogeneity

4 Cancer cell by heterogeneity
Cancer cell by NGS Cancer cell by RNA sequencing Cancer cell by STR Cancer cell culture condition Animal model

5 Immunocytochemistry test
Nucleus  Dapi Cytosol  rhodamine phalloidin Cytokeratin(Dako)  FITC CDD-18CO DMEM BMSC DMEM BMSC IMDM NHBF DMEM Primary Stromal Cell Line Condition BMSC : IMDM media, 10% FBS, 1% Penicilin-streptomycin-glutamine CCD-18CO : DMEM, 10% FBS, 1% Penicilin-streptomycin-glutamine NHFB : DMEM, 10% FBS, 1% Penicilin-streptomycin-glutamine T47D : DMEM, 10% FBS, 1% Penicilin-streptomycin-glutamine MDA-MB-231 : : DMEM, 10% FBS, 1% Penicilin-streptomycin-glutamine

6 Immunocytochemistry test
ab34710 anti-collagen 1 antibody 1 ₩567,000 ab7778 anti-collagen 3 antibody ab5694 anti-alpha smooth musle actin ab28028 anti-vimentin ₩532,000 a0082 anti-factor 8 2ml ₩478,000 anti-factor ml ₩335,000 M0746 anti-HLA-DR ₩529,000

Fixation: 1. Fix the samples 3-4% paraformaldehyde in PBS pH 7.4 for 15 min at room temperature. 2. Wash the samples twice with ice cold PBS. Permeabilization: If the target protein is expressed intracellularly, it is very important to permeabilize the cells. Note: acetone fixed samples do not require permeabilization. 3. Incubate the samples for 10 min with PBS containing 0.25% Triton X-100. Triton X-100 is the most popular detergent for improving the penetration of the antibody. However, it is not appropriate for the use of membrane-associated antigens since it destroys membranes. 4. Wash cells in PBS three times for 5 min. Blocking and Incubation: 5. Incubate cells with 1% BSA in PBST for 30 min to block unspecific binding of the antibodies. 6. Incubate cells in the diluted antibody in 1% BSA in PBST in a humidified chamber for overnight at 4°C. 7. Decant the solution and wash the cells three times in PBS, 5 min each wash. 8. Incubate cells with the secondary antibody in 1% BSA for 1 hr at room temperature in dark. 9. Decant the secondary antibody solution and wash three times with PBS for 5 min each in dark. Counter staining: 10. Incubate cells on μg/ml Hoechst or DAPI (DNA stain) for 1 min. 11. Rinse with PBS. Mounting: 12. Mount coverslip with a drop of mounting medium. 13. Seal coverslip with nail polish to prevent drying and movement under microscope. 14. Store in dark at -20 or 4°C.

8 Immunocytochemistry : Cytokeratin.
A. T47D B. MDA-MB-231 Dapi (Dako) 1:1000 Rhodamine phalloidin (invitrogen) 1 : 40 Cytokeratin (Dako, M3515) 1:100 Secondary antibody (invitrogen, A11029) 1: 500 Mount solution (Dako S3023) Green: Cytokeratin Red: Rhodamine Phalloidine Blu: DAPI C. Colon Fibroblast D. Skin Fibroblast E. BMSC A. T47D, B MDA-MB-231, A and B is positive control, C. Colon Fibroblast, D. Skin Fibroblast, E. BMSC, C, D and E is negative control, Blue is nucleic, Red is actin, Green is Cytokeratin. X400, NIKON

9 Immunocytochemistry : Cytokeratin BMSC(P12) in DMEM
X400 X800 A. B. E. F. G. H. C. D. Green: Cytokeratin Red: Rhodamine Phalloidine Blu: DAPI

10 Immunocytochemistry : Cytokeratin BMSC(P12) in IMDM
X400 X800 A. B. E. F. G. H. C. D. Green: Cytokeratin Red: Rhodamine Phalloidine Blu: DAPI

11 Immunocytochemistry : Cytokeratin NHFB (P25, skin fibroblast)
X400 X800 A. B. E. F. G. H. C. D. Green: Cytokeratin Red: Rhodamine Phalloidine Blu: DAPI

12 Immunocytochemistry : Cytokeratin CCD-18CO (P41, colon fibroblast)
X400 X800 A. B. E. F. G. H. C. D. Green: Cytokeratin Red: Rhodamine Phalloidine Blu: DAPI

13 Immunocytochemistry : Cytokeratin MDA-MB-231 –breast cancer
X400 X800 A. B. E. F. G. H. C. D. Green: Cytokeratin Red: Rhodamine Phalloidine Blu: DAPI

14 Immunocytochemistry : Cytokeratin T47D –breast cancer
X400 X800 A. B. E. F. G. H. C. D. Green: Cytokeratin Red: Rhodamine Phalloidine Blu: DAPI

15 CCK-8 assay : Cell Proliferation Assay
Specific am : Establishment of mitomycin C Tx. Condition on feeder cell for growth arrest Mitomycin C 5’-CpG-3’ sequence specific crosslinker Day -1 Feeder cell seeding D0 Mitomycin C Fx (4hr) D3 CCK-8 assay D6 CCK-8 assay Cell count : 1000 cells/well Cell line : Skin fibroblast BMSC Cell seeding plan Mitomycin C CN ug/ml NHFB BMSC Culture Condition DMEM 10% FBS, G-p/s 1%

16 CCK-8 assay : Cell Proliferation Assay
Specific am : Establishment of mitomycin C Tx. Condition on feeder cell for growth arrest Mitomycin C 5’-CpG-3’ sequence specific crosslinker Day -1 Feeder cell seeding D0 Mitomycin C Fx (4hr) D3 CCK-8 assay D6 CCK-8 assay Cell count : 1000 cells/well Cell line : Skin fibroblast BMSC CCK assay at Day 3

17 Protocol setup for colony pick-up
(Use of clonal ring) Cell count : none Cell line : Skin fibroblast MSC MDA-MB-231 MCF 7 D-2 Feeder cell seeding D-7 Colony pick-up (8*8) D-0 Cancer cell seeding D-1 Mitomycin C Fx (4hr) cocktail MDA-MB-231 MCF 7 NHFB & cocktail MSC & cocktail

18 Co-culture (before colony pick-up)
A. . Skin fibroblast and cocktail B. MSC and cocktail C. MSC and cocktail D. cocktail(MDA-MB-231, MCF 7) E. MDA-MB-231 F. MCF 7 A. Skin fibroblast and cocktail B, C. MSC and cocktail D. cocktail is MDA-MB-231 and MCF 7 E. MDA-MB-231 F. MCF 7

19 Cells picked-up with clonal ring
A. . Skin fibroblast and cocktail B. MSC and cocktail C. MSC and cocktail D. cocktail(MDA-MB-231, MCF 7) E. MDA-MB-231 F. MCF 7 A. Skin fibroblast and cocktail B, C. MSC and cocktail D. cocktail is MDA-MB-231 and MCF 7 E. MDA-MB-231 F. MCF 7

20 Plan for colonal expansion of cancer cells
D-2 Feeder cell seeding D-7 Colony pick-up (8*8) D-0 Cancer cell seeding D-1 Mitomycin C Fx (4hr) Cell count : Stromal cell : cell/well Cancer cell : 100 cell/well Cell line : Skin fibroblast MSC MCF 7 MSC & MCF 7 NHFB & MCF 7 NHFB & MCF 7

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