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Midterm Jeopardy Good Luck!.

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1 Midterm Jeopardy Good Luck!

2 $200 $400 $600 $800 Some Questions More Questions Different Questions
Not Questions (JK) Guess what these are $200 $400 $600 $800

3 Some Questions $200 How do large organisms adapt to their relatively low surface area to volume ratio

4 By increasing the surface area of certain organs/body parts to maximize vital exchange rates

5 Define the term lapse rate
Some Questions $400 Define the term lapse rate

6 The rate of change in temperature of the air as it moves up or down in the atmosphere

7 Define Rayleigh scattering
Some Questions $600 Define Rayleigh scattering

8 The scattering of short wavelengths by small particles in the atmosphere (air molecules)

9 Some Questions $800 What is the reason for an increase in limb deformities in frogs, and what effect does it have on their population? Include every factor

10 Nutrient inputs into the ecosystem from human land use increases algae growth, providing more food for snails, the host of trematodes, increasing their population. More snails = more trematodes, which use frogs as their second host, and which cause their limb deformities. Those deformities make them susceptible to being eaten by birds, declining frog populations. The input of pesticides to the system lowers the frogs’ immune system, making them more susceptible to the whole process.

11 Define the Greenhouse Effect
More Questions $200 Define the Greenhouse Effect

12 As greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase in amount, they will absorb and emit more infrared radiation originally emitted from the sun and reflected off the earth back into the atmosphere, slowly increasing heat in the atmosphere

13 More Questions $400 How are conductance and ability to withstand pressure related when referring to conduits?

14 Conductance and ability to withstand pressure are inversely related
Conductance and ability to withstand pressure are inversely related. As conduit radius decreases, it will be able to withstand greater pressures, but conductance will decrease.

15 More Questions $600 What 3 things determine the earths climate, and what 2 things determine the distribution of biomes at any given latitude?

16 The spin of the earth, irradiation (solar geometry), and topography determine climate Temperature and precipitation determine the distribution of biomes

17 How does removal of trees affect the water cycle?
More Questions $800 How does removal of trees affect the water cycle?

18 Trees normally soak up water from the soil after precipitation and release water vapor during evapo-transpiration. Without trees, there is no water uptake, increasing runoff and erosion, reducing soil fertility. Also, less evapo-transpiration results in less moisture in the air, reducing precipitation as well.

19 Different Questions $200 What are the different cells that are formed by the earth’s wind patterns?

20 Hadley, Ferrel, and Polar cells

21 Different Questions $400 What two types of zones influence the moving of plates when two plates converge? (ie. What steps does a plate take when meeting another plate)

22 Subduction zone, followed by a convection zone

23 Different Questions $600 Explain why there is less seasonal variation in mean CO2 levels in the atmosphere between the south pole and Hawaii

24 Most of the earth’s vegetation exists in the northern hemisphere, meaning much more CO2 is taken up seasonally via photosynthesis in Hawaii than in the south pole

25 What are 3 different types of human impacts on aquatic ecosystems?
Different Questions $800 What are 3 different types of human impacts on aquatic ecosystems?

26 Channelization/Riparian vegetation removal
2. Dam construction 3. Contaminant inputs

27 Differentiate between an observational and controlled experiment
Not Questions (JK) $200 Differentiate between an observational and controlled experiment

28 Controlled experiments have all of those things
Observational experiments occur naturally and have no controls, treatments, or manipulated replicates Controlled experiments have all of those things

29 Not Questions (JK) $400 List the different types of biomes in order from the poles to the equator

30 Temperate Deciduous Forest
Tundra Boreal Forest Temperate Deciduous Forest Temperate Grassland Desert Tropical Rainforest

31 Not Questions (JK) $600 What are the three boundary types in plate tectonics, and what are rift and fault zones?

32 Transform, Convergent, Divergent A rift occurs when plates move apart from each other (divergent boundary) A fault zone appears when plates slide along each other (transform boundary)

33 Not Questions (JK) $800 Explain what is concerning about recent CO2 levels in the earth’s atmosphere

34 The rate of CO2 level increase has skyrocketed in the last couple hundred years, increasing at a much more drastic rate than ever in the earth’s history

35 Define the prefixes steno- and eury-
Guess what these are $200 Define the prefixes steno- and eury-

36 Eury- refers to a wide range of tolerance
Steno- refers to a narrow range of tolerance

37 Guess what these are $400 What three things affect the size of boundary layers, and in what way do they do so?

38 Velocity, viscosity, and size of the object
Increased velocity = smaller boundary layer Increased viscosity = larger boundary layer Increased body size = increased boundary layer

39 Explain the general transport equation in lemans terms
Guess what these are $600 Explain the general transport equation in lemans terms

40 The amount something is able to be moved is equal to its movability (how easily it can be moved) times the amount of force pushing it

41 Guess what these are $800 How does the SA/V ratio affect the total and specific metabolic rates of different sized organisms?

42 The production of heat is proportional to volume, whereas heat loss is proportional to surface area. A higher SA/V ratio (small organisms) require a higher specific metabolic rate despite their low total metabolic rate. A lower SA/V ratio (large organisms) do not need a high specific metabolic rate due to their large total metabolic rate

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