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WARM UP #28: Pre-Reading Questions

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1 WARM UP #28: Pre-Reading Questions
Answer the following questions based on your own opinions and experiences. Marriage: Why would you want to get married some day? What constitutes an ideal marriage? How do the realities of marriage differ from the ideals for each individual? Are there certain “duties” in marriage that are gender specific? If so, what are they, and who is responsible for them? Divorce: What constitutes grounds for divorce? When should a married couple try to work it out? In your opinion, do you think we are more likely to give up on a marriage that can be saved? Explain your answer.

2 “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen (p.364)
(lines 1-65) How do you think Torvald is feeling right now? Explain your answer. (66-140) Torvald mentions Nora’s most “sacred duty” (line 123). Which duty do you feel is most important for Nora? Why? ( ) At this point, how would you respond if you were Nora? How would you respond as Torvald? Why? (245-end) Do events like this happen in our world today? Give examples and identify similarities & differences.

3 Identifying Traits of Character
Nora Helmer Torvald Helmer + - + -

4 “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin (p. 367)
What do you think of Mrs. Mallard when she says, “…free, free, free!”? What does it tell you about her? What does it imply about her marriage? Do you think she ever really loved Mr. Mallard? Support your answer with an example from the text. Why do you think the author ended the story with Mrs. Mallard’s death? What can you assume about the author’s perspective on her character?

5 Identifying Traits of Character
Louise Mallard Brently Mallard + - + -

6 Application to Art Period (partners)
“A Doll’s House”: Using the handout on literary periods, classify this play as Romantic, Realistic, or Naturalistic for 3 categories. EXAMPLE: Purpose: Naturalistic Subject Matter: Romantic Plot: Romantic Is this play mostly Romantic, Realistic, or Naturalistic? Why? “A Story of an Hour”: Using the notes on the reverse side, classify this play as Romantic, Realistic, or Naturalistic for 3 different categories. EXAMPLE: Tone: Naturalistic Characters: Romantic Motivation: Realistic

7 Connecting Period to Character (partners)
Identify the character traits associated with each literary movement. (ask yourself “If the Romantic’s subject matter treated “certain subjects as taboo,” what does this tell you about their collective character? ) Of the 3 literary movements, which displays character traits with which you identify? Why? Of the various character traits listed which are virtuous? Which period would you consider the most virtuous of the three? Why?

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