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Web Feature Service – What and How?

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Presentation on theme: "Web Feature Service – What and How?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Feature Service – What and How?
Ian Painter - Snowflake Software

2 From Yesterday ISO 19109 application schema UGAS Tools: ShapeChange:
Full Moon Hollow World: ISO 191** encoded in UML

3 For Today Context Building an AIXM5.1 Datastore Introducing WFS
Basic Queries Building and deploying a AIXM 5.1 WFS WFS 2.0 WFS for KML

4 OGC - Advancing Interoperability
Interoperability Program (IP) - a global, innovative, hands-on rapid prototyping and testing program designed to accelerate interface development and validation, and bring interoperability to the market Demo & Reports Specification Development Program – Consensus standards process similar to other Industry consortia (World Wide Web Consortium, OMA, etc.) These interoperability initiatives are a crucial part of OGC’s overall strategy for identifying, developing, and maturing standards that serve the needs of government, industry, academia and the research community. In the past 10 years, we have conducted more than thirty interoperability initiatives, each resulting in realistically tested requirements and prototype designs for new or enhanced interoperability standards. The output from each of these initiatives includes the prototype applications, schemas and services developed and demonstrated. But more importantly, the output also includes numerous engineering reports, documenting the architectures and software developed, along with lessons learned, and proposals for further work. These reports contribute to OGC‘s library of Best Practices, and recommendations to working groups within OGC‘s Specification Program. Once Best Practices and Standards have been approved and adopted by vote of the OGC membership, they are published for free and open access to the public. It is important to note that OGC‘s intellectual property consists of the interface specifications for data exchange, not the details of each organization‘s implementations of software. In this way, these standards enable the marketplace of tools and techniques to grow and adapt to ever- changing business and technology conditions. Outreach and Community Adoption Program – education and training, encourage take up of OGC specifications, business development, communications programs © 2009 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

5 Some thoughts on AIXM … AIXM* is a Community Schema
GML is an Exchange Format not a data format AIXM is all about Data Harmonisation Aka Cross Border Aka Schema Translation Aka Model Translation Other communities are solving similar problems … INSPIRE USING THE SAME STANDARDS

6 Data Harvesting Architecture
“Changing the wheels on a moving car”

7 Building the DONLON AIXM5.1 Datastore

8 XSD to Relational Mapping

9 DEMO Parsing and Loading AIXM5.1 using GO Loader

10 What is a WFS “WFS offers direct fine grained access to geographic information over the internet at the feature and feature property level” Operations: GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType, GetPropertyValue, GetFeature, GetFeatureWithLock, LockFeature, Transaction, CreateStoredQuery, DropStoredQuery, ListStoredQueries, DescribeStoredQueries Types of WFS Simple – GetFeature with StoredQueries Basic – Simple + FilterEncoding Transactional – Basic + Transaction

11 The Web Feature Service Standard
http Get (KVP), http Post (XML), & SOAP (XML) 3 versions: 1.0 – GML 2.2 1.1 – GML 2.2, 3.1 2.0 – GML 2.2, 3.1, (still in draft)

12 The Filter Encoding Specification
The Filter Encoding Standard is the query language of WFS XML based Makes extensive use of XPATH Supports Property Geometry Temporal Xlink resolution (local and remote) Any combination of the above Primarily used in http post and SOAP

13 Basic Commands GetCapabilites – What can this WFS do and what data does it have DescribeFeatureType – What is the schema of the data GetFeature – Get me the data

14 DEMO Basic WFS commands

15 Relational to XSD Mapping

16 DEMO Creating a AIXM5.1 WFS using GO Publisher Desktop


18 Basic Filter Queries Retrieve a BASELINE (Property Filter)
Get all features within a rectangle (BBOX) Get all features with Property of value Get all features within a Buffer of a Point Get all features within a Buffer of a LineString

19 DEMO Basic Filter Queries using GO Publisher WFS

20 Schema Translation Query Translation - GO Publisher WFS WFS Client
GO Publisher can publish the same data in different XML formats for different clients Query Translation - GO Publisher WFS . GML Schema Translation WFS Client SQL Query Database Records Data Request Server Data Store SQL Query Schema Translation Data Request WFS Client Database Records Database table information GML Query Translation - GO Publisher WFS Being able to query data through a translation process is significantly more complex. We can illustrate this by looking at GO Publisher WFS the software architecture of GO Publisher WFS. Configuration takes of the translation takes place in exactly the same way as for GO Publisher Desktop. Once the translation is configured the user adds additional configuration to the GO Publisher project file control the WFS behaviour. GO Publisher Desktop is then used to create a Web Archive (war) file which contains the project file and the WFS software. This war file contains everything needed by an application server to deploy the WFS. The war file is uploaded to an application server which unpacks and deploys the WFS from the war file. When a client submits a query to the WFS GO Publisher translates the WFS request into a SQL query. Because the WFS request is specified in terms of the GML application schema GO Publisher must use the data translation in reverse to translate the query. For example, if we set up a translation that translates the column “NAM” to the XML element “gml:name”, when a WFS request querying against “gml:name” arrives this must be turned into a SQL query against the column “NAM”. The data returned by the SQL query is then translated into GML (using the translation in its forward direction i.e. “NAM” becomes “gml:name”) and returned to the client. Multiple translations can be set up and deployed for a single database, thus allowing the data held in the database to be accessed by different communities of users using different GML application schemas. Translation Configuration Translations are uploaded to the server . Desktop Graphical user interface is used to defined the translation from the storage model to the XML data model .

21 Temporal Queries Query on timeframe of flight and within 100 nautical miles of flight path <fes:TemporalOperators> <fes:TemporalOperator name="After"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="Before"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="Begins"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="BegunBy"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="TContains"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="During"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="TEquals"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="TOverlaps"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="Meets"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="OverlappedBy"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="MetBy"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="Ends"/> <fes:TemporalOperator name="EndedBy"/> </fes:TemporalOperators>

22 DEMO Temporal Queries using GO Publisher WFS

23 Geometry Operands (from Capabilities)
<ogc:Spatial_Capabilities> <ogc:GeometryOperands> <ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Envelope</ogc:GeometryOperand> <ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Point</ogc:GeometryOperand> <ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:LineString</ogc:GeometryOperand> <ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Polygon</ogc:GeometryOperand> <ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Arc</ogc:GeometryOperand> <ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Circle</ogc:GeometryOperand> </ogc:GeometryOperands> <ogc:SpatialOperators>

24 Spatial Operators <ogc:SpatialOperators>
<ogc:SpatialOperator name="BBOX"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Equals"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Disjoint"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Intersects"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Touches"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Crosses"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Within"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Contains"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Overlaps"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="Beyond"/> <ogc:SpatialOperator name="DWithin"/> </ogc:SpatialOperators>

25 Comparison Operators <ogc:ComparisonOperators> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>LessThan</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>GreaterThan</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>LessThanEqualTo</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>GreaterThanEqualTo</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>EqualTo</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>NotEqualTo</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>Like</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>Between</ogc:ComparisonOperator> <ogc:ComparisonOperator>NullCheck</ogc:ComparisonOperator> </ogc:ComparisonOperators>

26 What Next for WFS WFS 2.0 aka ISO 19142
New functionality of Interest for AIXM GML 3.2.1 Temporal Operators wfs:AdditionalObjects Stored Queries Stronger SOAP Bindings ISO is still in DIS

27 A WFS is not just for GML KML is extensively being used in WFS
KML is an OGC standard KML for Digital NOTAM visualisation Use of Google Network Tags streaming KML from WFS




31 Bad things you’ve probably already heard on WFS
Its too slow Its too bloated Its too complicated The SOAP implementation is too loose

32 Good things you’ve probably not heard on WFS
Its standard based Its mature Its stable Its testable Its off the shelf It can scale & perform

33 The WFS Specification
WFS v , WFS v2.0 ISO 19142 Filter Encoding v or FES v2.0 ISO 19143 Implementing and compliant WFS:

34 Example Snowflake Services
AIXM 5.1 AIXM 5.0 General Information Ian Painter

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