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Facility Insight Commencing July , /10/2018

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1 Facility Insight Commencing July , 2016 6/10/2018
What is Facility Insight? Facility Insight offers up-to-date assessment information of all public school facilities in Colorado. Assessment results will give a fresh insight into the facility condition and educational adequacy needs throughout the State. Commencing July , 2016

2 6/10/2018 History FY Capital Construction Assistance Board (CCAB) was tasked with a Financial Assistance Priority Assessment of all Colorado public schools as part of the 2008 BEST Act Used the Public School Facility Construction Guidelines for data points in the existing database Established as part of the BEST grant program, the Capital Construction Assistance Board was tasked with conducting facility assessments on public schools throughout the state. The assessment was intended to be used for prioritizing public school capital needs throughout the state, reviewing BEST grant applications, and making recommendations to the State board for award of BEST grants. 2

3 Results of Prior Assessment
6/10/2018 Results of Prior Assessment FY ~13.9 billion was identified in facility needs in Colorado public schools FY data projected that by 2018 the capital need would grow to ~17.8 billion in Colorado public schools The Statewide Facility Assessment assessed 8,419 facilities throughout Colorado's 178 school districts. This included main buildings, leased buildings, temporary classroom facilities, mini-buildings, school sites, athletic fields, athletic facilities, and other support buildings. 13.9 billion was identified in facility needs in Colorado public schools and by 2018 that number was projected to grow to 17.8 billion. Dollars in Millions 3 Facility Needs

4 6/10/2018 Moving Forward Awareness Informational material communicated about program Implementation CDE assessors begin visiting sites starting July 1, 2016 Transformation Data collected and used by state to make informed decisions on facility funding 4 Why are we here? What are we aiming to achieve? In 2015, a legislative decision item was passed to reinstate public school facility assessments. Facility Insight will begin in July of 2016 with an estimated refresh of every 2.5 years or so. The assessments will allow the schools and the state to access current and accurate information about their public school facilities to help with capital planning needs. 2015 legislative decision item to reinitiate Financial Assistance Priority Assessment, now Facility Insight Targeted state refresh every 2.5 years Up-to-date and accurate information Facility/Capital Planning resources

5 Goals Implement new program (software, data, assessment team, etc.)
6/10/2018 Goals 1 Implement new program (software, data, assessment team, etc.) 2 Consistently collect up-to-date and accurate data 3 Be the statewide resource for facility data Result: Robust facility management database With the facility insight program we are creating a robust facility management data base to help CDE be a statewide resource for facility data. . We will achieve this by implementing a program that has a team of assessors that will work year round assessing a myriad of buildings systems within Colorado’s public K-12 schools. The assessor’s primary functions will be conducting site visits to public schools in an assigned geographical region to collect, assess, verify, and record data using mobile devices and several assessment tools. 5

6 Mobile data collection tool
6/10/2018 Framework for Success CDE be a statewide resource for facility data Mobile data collection tool New database Web dashboard 6 CDE Assessors to perform year-round assessments of Colorado public schools To achieve our goal, we have developed a new database to store, query, and manage the data that the facility assessors have collected. We have developed a mobile tool for our assessors to efficiently collect the data to be inputted into the database. We have also created a web-dashboard for sharing data with schools and members of the public. By utilizing the database, mobile data collection tool, and the web dashboard, CDE will be a resource for facilities and capital planning projects for schools throughout the state. 6

7 What to Expect CDE will notify schools 2 weeks in advance of visit
6/10/2018 What to Expect CDE will notify schools 2 weeks in advance of visit Requirements of schools will be sent in advance of site visit 1-2 day site visit by CDE assessor CDE will follow up to verify assessment results Initial contact for site visits should be at least two weeks in advance via . Contact should include the principal of the school, maintenance staff from the school, the superintendent of the district and copy your supervisor. One week prior to your visit send a reminder including the original message for information. CDE will follow up with assessment results 7

8 Public School Benefits
6/10/2018 Public School Benefits Free Facility Assessment Data Data for Facility Management Tools/Data for planning purposes Data will help provide future statewide facility funding and technical outreach What are the benefits of these assessments? The assessment will be done at no cost to the schools. The data that is collected can help schools manage their facilities and can provide schools with tools and data to accurately plan future capital construction projects. In addition, the Capital Construction Division staff will use data for capital funding planning and to compare the findings noted in the assessment to details expressed in grant applications for facility funding 8

9 Together We Can Mission Vision
6/10/2018 Together We Can Mission To consistently and effectively assess every public school in the State to provide all of Colorado’s children equal access to quality, thorough, uniform, well-rounded educational opportunities in a safe and civil learning environment. Vision Continuously attain accurate and consistent data for every public school to be used as a statewide resource for school facility data The goal of the assessment is to provide equal access to quality education. There are no negative ramifications that can result from the assessment findings. If the state identifies a need, this information is purely for data purposes. The more accurate data that is compiled regarding school facilities, the better the funding for capital planning can be utilized. 9

10 Contact Information Dustin Guerin Supervisor, Facility Insight Ashley Moretti Office Manager, Capital Construction 10

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