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CSBS Faculty Workshop: Collaborators and Subcontractors

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Presentation on theme: "CSBS Faculty Workshop: Collaborators and Subcontractors"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSBS Faculty Workshop: Collaborators and Subcontractors
4/5/16 CSBS Faculty Workshop: Collaborators and Subcontractors Presented by: Frances Solano and Stef Friesen April 5, 2016

2 Agenda Introductions Finding collaborators
4/5/16 Agenda Introductions Finding collaborators Collaborators in the proposal Administering subcontracts Upcoming Workshop 4/5/16

3 Finding collaborators
4/5/16 Finding collaborators Faculty Profiles: (Soon to be announced: Research Interests) CSUN (ORSP) educational events ORSP / College grants officers Authors of publications Conferences (local, national) Your ideas? 4/5/16

4 Preparing the Proposal
4/5/16 Preparing the Proposal Subaward vs. Consultant vs. Vendor Requirements: Subrecipient commitment form, signed by institutional office Statement of work Line-item budget Biosketch(es), if needed For Subawards Only: No indirect costs above $25,000 per subaward. 4/5/16

5 Setting up and administering subcontracts
4/5/16 Setting up and administering subcontracts Risk assessment Subcontract agreement prepared, executed by ORSP Need statement of scope of work, in as much detail as possible Payment: Subcontractor sends invoice (need detail / backup). PI is responsible for assuring work is satisfactory and signs off. Submits invoice with Check Request to TUC. TUC issues payment. 4/5/16

6 4/5/16 Discussion… QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? SUGGESTIONS? 4/5/16

7 Future CSBS Workshops – Spring 2016
Location: Sierra Hall, 4th Floor Whitsett Room6 Wednesday, May 4, 3:30 – 4:30 pm TOPIC: Submitting proposals through Cayuse 4/5/16

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