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Main Training Centres in Romania

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1 Main Training Centres in Romania
National Meteorological Administration (NMA) NMA Training Centre Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) Aeronautical Meteorology Training Centre (AMTC) Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

2 Aeronautical Meteorology Training Centre
ROMATSA’s policy of staff training determined the necessity of creating dedicated training centres for Air Traffic Controllers and Aeronautical Meteorologists Preparations for AMTC started since 1998 when MET experts participated at training for Aviation Trainers courses at EUROCONTROL Institute of Air Navigation Services Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

3 Aeronautical Meteorology Training Centre
All MET trainers from AMTC have strong Aeronautical Meteorology operational experience, highest level of training in operational work and advanced skills in training Since 2004 AMTC was officially recognized by RCAA as training provider for Aeronautical Meteorology In 2006 ROMATSA was certified ISO9001:2000 for all provided services including AMTC Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

4 Training components Human resources development Training cooperation
All trainers have to have didactic skills and the highest professional knowledge All trainers in AMTC have to be evaluated and accepted by RCAA Training cooperation There are invited specialists from NMA Training Centre as trainers in their specific fields of activity Periodically there are invited trainers from Met Office College (UK) or meteorologists from ROMATSA are participating at trainings or seminars at Met Office College Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

5 Training activities in AMTC
Basic Instruction Packages for forecasters and technicians Specialist courses dedicated to staff promotion Refresher courses for forecasters and technicians Special license courses Seasonal seminars Dedicated course modules for meteorologists based on operational requirements Dedicated course modules for ATC staff Dedicated course modules for AIS staff Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

6 Training structure in ROMATSA’s Aeronautical Meteorology Training Centre
All meteorological training courses are modular designed as class training and OJT in operational environment Basic instruction and Specialist instruction packages are structured in three class training modules between which there are two OJT Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

7 Training structure in ROMATSA’s Aeronautical Meteorology Training Centre
Basic Instruction Package in Meteorology (BIP-M) three theoretical modules and OJT - 240/1200 hours Basic Instruction Package for Meteorological Technicians (BIP-MT) three theoretical modules and OJT 240/240 hours Specialist Instruction Package for meteorologist promotion (SIP-M) one theoretical module and OJT - 120/20 hours Specialist Instruction Package dedicated to technician promotion (SIP-MT) one theoretical module and OJT hours/20 hours Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

8 Training structure in ROMATSA’s Aeronautical Meteorology Training Centre
Refresher Instruction Package in Meteorology (RIP-M) one theoretical module and OJT - 60/20 hours Refresher Instruction Package for Meteorological Technicians (RIP-MT) Special License Training for OJT (SLT-T) one combined theoretical module and OJT - 60 hours Special License Training for Aeronautical Climatology (SLT-C) Training and Licensing of Aeronautical Meteorologists in ROMANIA

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