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Walking Through Grade 10 English LMs and TGs

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1 Walking Through Grade 10 English LMs and TGs
Module 3 Focus: Differentiated Instruction in the light of LMs and TGs National Training of Trainers, Cebu City

2 Differentiated Instruction
WORKSHOP 1 Differentiated Instruction in the LMs and TGs

GETTING READY! Visit Module 3 of the Learner’s Material (LM) Group 1 will be working on Lesson 1, Group 2 on Lesson 2 and so on. Identify the tasks that made use of Differentiated Instruction (D.I) Identify the tasks where Differentiated Instruction (D.I.) could be applied. Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

4 Tasks that made use of D.I.
GETTING READY! Use the template below for the said purpose Write your answers on a manila paper Have your outputs presented to the class Phase Tasks that made use of D.I. Tasks where D.I could be applied and indicate whether the tasks could be differentiated in terms of process, product, content or learning environment Your Initial Task Your Text Your Discovery Task Your Final Task (Enabling task only) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

5 Discussion

6 Differentiating Instruction:
Guiding Principles

7 Four Classroom Elements to Differentiate
GETTING READY! Four Classroom Elements to Differentiate Element Explanation Examples CONTENT “What to know” What the student needs to learn or how the student will get access to the information Reading materials on different levels, presenting material visually and auditory, meeting with small groups to reteach PROCESS “How to know” Activities in which the student engages in order to make sense of or master the content Tiered assignments: different levels of support, challenge, or complexity, interest centers, manipulatives, hands on materials, procedures, etc.

8 Four Classroom Elements to Differentiate
GETTING READY! Four Classroom Elements to Differentiate Element Explanation Examples PRODUCT “What to produce” culminating projects that ask the student to rehearse, apply, and extend what he or she has learned in a unit options of how to express required learning, allowing students to work alone or in small groups on their products, create their own product assignments LEARNING ENVIRONMENT “What climate / condition” the way the classroom works and feels physical arrangement, time, condition and atmosphere

9 Differentiated Instruction in LMs and TGs

10 Differentiating Content Sample Activities
EXAMPLE: Lesson 5 (LM) Page 358 Task 6 Visualizing the Text’s Big Ideas As a group, brainstorm on the scenarios taken from the selection. Then, in a ½ illustration board draw the scenario or an equivalent symbolism. Work on the specific task which will be assigned to you by your teacher. Be ready to present your output in the class. Good outputs will be posted on the wall and will be included in the English exhibit. Group 1-The old man Popocatepetl was seated on a high rock with his white mantle about his shoulders. He looked at the sky, he looked at the sea, he looked at the land--nowhere could he see any food. And he was very hungry, too. Group 2- Once Popocatepetl’s friend, the little eagle, flew near, and he called to him. Group 3- Popocatepetl perceived the little animal with two arms, two legs, a head, and a very brave air, and the eagle he stretched forth his great, solemn arms and told the former to feed him. Group 4- The little animal with two arms, two legs, a head, and a very brave air summoned his kind, they dwelt on the plains, they made this and they made that, but they made no wings for Popocatepetl. Group 5- The thunderous voice of the old peak Popocatepetl rolls and rolls, if you know that tongue, you can hear him say: "Oh, traitor! Traitor! Traitor! Where are my wings? My wings, traitor! I am hungry! Where are my wings?" The goal (drawing ) is just one but the content is differentiated

11 Differentiating Process Sample Activity
EXAMPLE: Lesson 3 (LM) Page 343 Task 8 Isang Bansa, Isang Bandila (One Flag, One Nation!) Watch a news report on current social conditions that are happening in the country right now e.g. corruption, poverty, economic crisis, etc. Be ready present in class. You may post some pictures, read an international news article or interview people in authority. Highlight the cause and effect of each problem. Task 8 requires one goal ( present a news report) but differentiated modes of delivery such as picture presentation, news casting, interview etc.

12 Differentiating Products Sample Activity
TASK 8: Nurture Nature. Form five groups, each group will pick one task from a fish bowl. This will ensure fairness and avoid duplication of choices. Group 1: Design a front page of a news paper Group 2: Write a bio-poem about nature Group 3: Design a travel brochure Group 4: Talking Display of a story Group 5: Build a relief map EXAMPLE: Lesson 1 (LM) Page 289 Task 8 requires different products that aim to produce outputs reflective of preserving, promoting and respecting nature.

13 Differentiating Learning Environment Sample Activity
Task 9 Character Impersonation Choose a representative from your group who will imitate the following characters from “The Voice of the Mountain”. Refer to the task given for each group. Make your own dialogue but make sure it is related to the traits and role of the characters mentioned in the selection. Group 1- Popocatepetl Group 2- Eagle Group 3- Little animal (human) Group 4- King of everything Group 5- Dwellers Differentiating Learning Environment Sample Activity EXAMPLE: Lesson 5 (LM) Page 361 Imbibing the role would entail differentiated learning environment.

14 Can we differentiate a task in more than one element?

15 Yes, we can! (Whenever applicable)
Lesson 1, Task 3 , Pg 276 Content Product Process Learning Environment “What a wonderful world” Group 1 working on 1st stanza Poster Visual - spatial Blind Group 2 working on 2nd stanza Book Mark Intra-personal Bed-ridden Group 3 working on 3rd stanza Greeting Card Inter-personal Ex-convict Justification Topic/text Outputs Flexible grouping Condition /situation Yes, we can! (Whenever applicable)

16 Points of clarification

17 Differentiate only when . . .
a student needs it modification increases the likelihood that the learner will understand important ideas and use the important skills more thoroughly as a result.

18 CLOSURE “We don't need a melting pot in this country, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables – the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers – to maintain their identity. You appreciate differences.” – Jane Elliot 

19 Thank you!

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