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Work Provides a link between force and energy

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1 Work Provides a link between force and energy
Impulse: change in momentum:: work: change in ___________ These ‘analogy’ questions used to be a big part of the SAT! Force applied for a particular time causes a change in momentum Force applied for a particular distance causes a change in energy

2 Transferring Energy By doing work By applying a force Produces a displacement of the system Work is a way to transfer energy by mechanical means

3 Work, cont. We are studying only cases in which F and x are parallel, q =zero F is the magnitude of the force Δ x is the magnitude of the object’s displacement q is the angle between

4 Work, cont. This gives no information about
the time it took for the displacement to occur the velocity or acceleration of the object Different way of looking at things compared to impulse-momentum Impulse-momemtum: vectors work-energy: scalars

5 Work can cause and increase or decrease in energy
Add energy to the object/system Ex: force of thrust Reduce the energy of the object/system Ex: friction, air drag A variety of external forces can act on an object/system at the same time and result in net work done on the object! Result can be +, - or even zero work

6 Units of Work and Energy
SI Newton • meter = Joule N • m = J J = kg • m2 / s2 US Customary foot • pound ft • lb no special name

7 Be careful Let go of any definition of ‘work’ that you already believe…. Physics definition of work is WEIRD!!!!

8 You try to figure it out…net work or not?
Pushing on a wall? Ball rolls at constant velocity? Carrying something at constant velocity? Pushing a box along a floor at constant velocity? Lifting something?

9 No net work, really? Still exerting a force..!
Pushing on wall.. Yes, You exert a force BUT no displacement in direction of force no change in energy of wall Ball rolls constant velocity Yes, gravity acts on ball BUT No displacement in direction of force Gravity =vertical Ball moving horizontal No change in energy of ball

10 Carrying box at constant velocity? No net work
Exerting a force to hold it up…. BUT Earth also exerts a force downward Forces are balanced No displacement in direction of these forces No change in energy You feel that you are exerting a force to move it… BUT No change in energy of the box

11 Can you explain this one?
Pushing a box across the floor at constant speed? Positive work = Pushing force Negative work = friction Net work on box = ZERO No change in energy of box

12 Yes , net work is done on the dirt
The system is the dirt; it is being lifted up Work is being done on the rocks by the crane Force upward, displacement upward Increase in gravitational potential energy

13 Work or no work? Object in free fall?
Ignoring air resistance: Earth does work on the object (downward direction). KE increases by amount of W = F x D = mgh=1/2 mv2


15 Summary: To do work you must…
Apply a force Cause a displacement of the object/system Cause a change in energy of the object/system 2/5/12

16 Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
When work is done by a net force on an object and the only change in the object is its speed, the work done is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy Speed will increase if work is positive Speed will decrease if work is negative

17 Practice Problem When Albert hits a 46-g golf ball with a club, the ball picks up 43 J of kinetic energy. A constant force of 2300 N is applied to the ball while the ball and the club are in contact. Over what distance is the club in contact with the ball? W = F x d, so d = W/F = 43J/2300N = m

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