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Objective: Be the healthy one In a crowd Where everyone is the same

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1 Objective: Be the healthy one In a crowd Where everyone is the same
Lives the same Eats the same


3 Diabetes? A metabolic condition, where the body has problems with insulin. Diabetes is caused by either too little insulin, resistance to insulin or both. Insulin is produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar. There is two main types of diabetes type 1 and type 2, but another very common one is gestational diabetes. Which is a type of diabetes that occurs only in pregnant women.


5 When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
Type One Diabetes: When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. Your body gets energy from making glucose from foods like bread, potatoes, rice, milk, pasta and fruits. When you have type one diabetes not enough insulin is being created. Because of this the glucose in your body builds up in your blood. This type of diabetes is not caused from eating to much sugar ( contrary to belief). Most of the time the reason for this problem is the bodies defense system starts attacking insulin making cells because it sees them as a threat. Symptoms: Deep, rapid breathing, Dry skin and mouth, Flushed face, Fruity breath odor,Nausea or vomiting, inability to keep down fluids Stomach pain Being very thirsty, Feeling hungry Feeling tired or fatigued, Having blurry eyesight, Losing the feeling or feeling tingling in your feet Losing weight without trying, Urinating more often


7 The body does not use insulin effectively.
In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas is not under attack and usually produces enough insulin. But for numerous reasons, the body doesn't use the insulin effectively. The symptoms of the two forms are similar, but usually come on more rapidly in people with type 1. The early symptoms of diabetes may include: Bladder, kidney, skin, or other infections that are more frequent or heal slowly Fatigue, Hunger, Increased thirst, Increased urination The first symptom may also be: Blurred vision Erectile dysfunction Pain or numbness in the feet or hands Type Two Diabetes: The body does not use insulin effectively.

8 4 DIABETES PREVENTION. There is essentially 2 ways to prevent diabetes. They are…

9 First of all the best way to prevent diabetes or help improve your condition if you have diabetes is diet. Normally when we talk about food groups we talk about the four main types of food groups, dairy, grains, fruits & vegetables and meat and alternatives. When dietitians or doctors talk about food they actually talk about the 6 food groups. Which to them are fats and cholesterol, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and lastly fibers. But the key to eating healthy can be summed up in about 6 easy tips. Eat a large combination of food, because you cant get all the nutrients you need from just a few things. Eat the amount of food that you need, eating to many calories for your body causes weight gain, and eating not enough causes weight loss. Eat lots of grain products and fruits and vegetables because they contain less calories and more fibers. Eat a diet low in fat and cholesterol. Only 30% of your diet should come from fats Consume certain foods in moderation, especially carbohydrates and alcohol. Refrain from smoking.

10 Exercise is very good for helping diabetes patients, in certain cases
Exercise is very good for helping diabetes patients, in certain cases. Because there is so much involved with diabetes like foot disease it is important to be very careful when exercising. A full evaluation of the patient should be done before the exercise begins. When you exercise your body uses more oxygen which in turn uses more energy and our energy comes from the blood glucose in our system which is controlled by the insulin our body makes. (which is from the foods we eat.) So when the body doesn’t adapt to the insulin correctly it causes the patient to become weak and even get to the point of fainting because there isn't enough energy to keep it going. Because of this there is certain exercises that are encouraged and certain ones that are avoided. Recommended exercises: swimming, bicycling, rowing, chair exercises, arm exercises Avoided exercises: treadmill, prolonged walking, jogging, stepping exercises, weight lifting. The reason that these things are not encouraged is because they force a lot of weight to be applied to the body and extra weight causes the body to burn extra sugars and energy a lot faster then exercises where you aren't forced to strain yourself.


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