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Introduction to gUSE and WS-PGRADE portal

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1 Introduction to gUSE and WS-PGRADE portal
Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI

2 Outline History, family of P-GRADE products WS-PGRADE features
P-GRADE Portal, WS-PGRADE, gUSE WS-PGRADE features Scalable architecture Seamless access to various types of resources Comfort features Separated views for end users and developers Advanced data-flows Users and applications Summary and Next steps

3 Family of P-GRADE Portal products
Creating (basic) workflows and parameter sweeps for gLite and Globus middleware based utility grids P-GRADE/GEMLCA portal (University of Westminster) To wrap legacy applications into Grid Services To add legacy code services to P-GRADE workflows (No parameter sweep support!) WS-PGRADE Creating complex workflow and parameter sweeps for local clusters, utility grids and desktop grids Creating complex applications using embedded workflows, legacy codes and community components from repository Apply for an account on Beta release Browse the User manual

4 P-GRADE Grid Portal Pros. Cons.
Easy-to-use workflow system with graphical editor Easy-to-use parameter sweep concept at workflow level Multi-grid / multi-VO access mechanism: job submission to LCG (~old gLite), gLite and Globus Toolkit 2 Intelligent handling of grid errors Open source community on Sourceforge Reliable, production installations for several Grid, EGEE VOs Part of EGEE RESPECT programme Cons. Considered too simple for some IT end users, while too complecated for some non-IT end users Workflow features found limited for some applications Internal structure is monolithic  hard to build developer community around it

5 Motivations of creating gUSE
To overcome (most of) the limitations of P-GRADE Portal: To provide better modularity To improve scalability To enable advanced dataflow patterns To interface with wider range of resources To separate Application Developer view from Application End User view New products: WS-PGRADE (Web Services Parallel Grid Runtime and Developer Environment) and gUSE (Grid User Support Environment) architecture

6 WS-PGRADE – gUSE architecture
Graphical User Interface: WS-PGRADE Gridsphere portlets gUSE Workflow storage File storage File storage gUSE information system Autonomous Services: high level middleware service layer Workflow Engine Application repository Submitters Submitters Submitters Meta-broker Submitters Logging Local resources, Service grid resources, Desktop Grid resources, Web services, Databases Resources: middleware service layer

7 gUSE application: Acyclic dataflow
Job to run on dedicated machine Job to run in a gLite VO Job to run in a Globus 2 VO Job to run in a Globus 4 VO Task to run in a BOINC Grid Web service invocation Database operation (R / W) File from the client host File from a GridFTP site File from an LFC catalog (content from gLite SE) Input string for a task or service Result of a Database query

8 Dataflow programming with gUSE
Separate application logic from data Cross & dot product data-pairing All-to-all vs. one-to-one pairing of data items (Concept from Taverna) Generator components: to produce many output files from 1 input file Collector components: to produce 1 output file from many input files Any component can be generator or collector Conditional execution based on equality of data Nesting, cycle, recursion 40 50 20 1000 40 Generator Collector 5000 1 7042 tasks Collector 5000 1

9 Task execution process
User action, external event or time triggering WS-PGRADE gUSE Web Services Workflow storage File storage Workflow Engine Meta-broker Local Submitter EGEE Submitter Desktop Grid Submitter Web Service Client Database Client Dedicated cluster gLite WMS Desktop Grid server Web Service DBMS

10 gUSE Generic Grid-Grid bridge
EGEE VO 1 EDGeS Desktop Grid 3G Bridge DG server WMS Machine Other EGEE services DC-API plugin UI machine 3G Bridge EGEE plugin WS-PGRADE gUSE UI machine Comp. Element WN WN WN EGEE VO 2 WN WN WN

11 Ergonomics Users can be grid application developers or end-users.
Application developers design sophisticated dataflow graphs in gUSE embedding into any depth, recursive invocations, conditional structures, generators and collectors at any position Use personal grid certificate for test executions Publish applications in the repository at certain stages of work Graphs Templates Concrete End-users see gUSE as a science gateway List ready to use applications from repository Import and execute applications without knowledge of programming, dataflow, grid, internal structure of application Use personal grid certificate for production execution

12 End users’ view

13 Import an application from repository
To avoid overwriting any of you existing applications: Choose a new name!

14 notification Ask notification to know when the execution of your application is finished!

15 Provide input for the application then submit!
Application list Provide input for the application then submit!

16 Define when should WSPGRADE submit your application!
Set auto-submission Define when should WSPGRADE submit your application!

17 Submission triggered by an external event
Your application will be submitted when a request arrives with the key that you just set. (WS invocation)

18 Write you own submission trigger!
URL of the WS-PGRADE portal server pUser Owner of the application (Portal User) pID Key to identify the call pText Freeform string to identify the application instance

19 Set custom input files/ input Strings/ SQL queries for components

20 Monitoring application execution
Step 1: The application is selected by button “Submit” Step 2: Define a freeform description to identify this particular executable instance

21 States of a Workflow Instance
1.If all state counters are 0 then there is no Instance of the given Workflow 2. In Column “Error” the number instances being in states “Error” and “Aborted” are summed 3. Instances in state “Suspended” are displayed according their preceding states Origin Submitted Running Suspended Aborted Finished Error Submit Suspend Resume Abort First Job Starts Last Job terminates Internal Error

22 Keep large data in Grid files or DBMS Downloading results
Information about the quota of the user allotted storage capacity in the Portal server Keep large data in Grid files or DBMS Columns of individual instances, please note, that outputs can be downloaded separately Inner slider to encounter and access each Instances Columns of bulk download: All or proper parts of all instances of a given WF can be downloaded

23 Application developers’ view

24 Development cycle of a gUSE dataflow application
Graph Component layout I/O Ports Edges Which parts and parameters can be modified, which cannot gUSE Application repository service Define content Concrete Workflow Algorithms/services Resources Inputs Template Constraints Comments Repository Item Prepare for re-usage Publish Import Test execution End user’s account Concrete Workflow Workflow Instance Running state Outputs Submit Workflow instance Workflow instance Workflow instance

25 Graph editor (P-GRADE Portal look-and-feel)
Components remain empty at this stage!

26 Workflow Configuration: Creating Concrete Workflow
Note the inner slider: By moving it you can encounter –and make visible – any Port of the current job Workflow Configuration: Creating Concrete Workflow Select Configure Select a job by mouse click Fill the job property characteristics. Details have discussed previously. Select Port Property Configuration Fill port property characteristics. Details have discussed previously. Select JDL/RSL Configuration Return to main view Insert a definition Select one of the JDL/RSL Configuration Parameters of the list box Save & Upload the Workflow configuration. Remind eventual error messages! Close the configuration of this job Confirm the settings

27 Explaining Generator, Normal and Collector job types
Number of results generated by a single query can be unknown! Generator Collector *3 1 run 1 run 1 1 2 Typically for generating input parameters of a simulation. (Often a database query) 2 Typically for statistical analysis 1. run 2. run 3. run Typically for processing data in “parameter sweep” fashion

28 Configuring the Workflow: Data processing pattern
Number of data elements Define input data elements for every open input Port m n h Determine Job to be Generator by defining Multiple output port. In this case the job may be able to produce more than 1 jobs associated to the multiple output port within one job submission step G *K Determine Dot or Cross product relation of Input ports to define the number of job submissions 1 Legend: Cross Product Dot Product C Determine Job to be Collector by defining a Gathering Input Port. The Job execution will be postponed until all input files to that Port have arrived and can be elaborated in a single job submission step

29 Animating the number of generated output data elements
In case of Generator job the number of job submissions may differ from the number of files on Output Ports m n h m*n h G In case of dot product the Job is submitted with input files having a common index number in each input Ports m*n h*K *K m*n h*K m*n h*K m*n*h*K S m*n*h*K S S=max(m*n,h*k) 1 1 S S C S S S In case of cross product individual Job submission is generated for each possible input file combination S S

30 Data processing complexity: P-GRADE or WS-PGRADE
P-GRADE Portal: Generators only the first level of graph Collectors always the last level of graph Always CROSS product between parameter input channels WS-PGRADE Portal: Generators at any level of graph Collectors at any level of graph Freedom to use CROSS or DOT product G G G G G Normal WF C C

31 Other advanced features for developers
Workflow embedding Simplify workflows by hierarchical development Special case – Iterative embedding: iterate computation towards the final result Conditional execution of workflow branches Execute a branch only if it receives the expected input

32 Example: Need for complexity CancerGrid workflow
1 N=20e-30e, M=100  ~2.7 billion tasks !!! x1 NxM 1 xN xN xN NxM NxM 1 N N N Generator job Generator job NxM

33 Current users of gUSE CancerGrid project
Predicting various properties of molecules to find anti-cancer leads Creating science gateway for chemists EDGeS project (Enabling Desktop Grids for e-Science) Integrating EGEE with BOINC and XtremWeb technologies User interfaces and tools ProSim project In silico simulation of intermolecular recognition JISC ENGAGE program University of Westminster Desktop Grid Using AutoDock on institutional PCs

34 Conclusions P-GRADE Portal remains supported WS-PGRADE
Features can serve most grid scenarios Open source project on Sourceforge WS-PGRADE Implemented on top of scalable, WS based gUSE architecture More expressive dataflow patterns Transparent access to Local resources Service Grids Desktop Grids Databases Web services Application repository Service for collaboration of developers and end-users

35 Next steps with gUSE:
User manual Request an account

36 Thank you Gergely Sipos

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