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State Archives and the Protection of Non -State Archives in Italy

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1 State Archives and the Protection of Non -State Archives in Italy
11/03/14 06:56 PM State Archives and the Protection of Non -State Archives in Italy 1 1

2 11/03/14 06:56 PM Italy in XVI Century

3 11/03/14 06:56 PM Italy before 1861

4 11/03/14 06:56 PM As a result: When Italy became a unified state, the organisation of state archives had to take a history of political division into consideration.

5 11/03/14 06:56 PM The solution: different state archives located all over the country to take the former political structures into account. There have been some changes since the 1870s, and the results are what you’ll see next..

11/03/14 06:56 PM STRUTTURA ORGANIZZATIVA 1 Archivio Centrale dello Stato 101 Archivi di Stato 19 Soprintendenze Archivistiche 34 Sezioni di Archivio di Stato 1 Istituto Centrale per gli Archivi 156 6

7 Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Central State Archive)
11/03/14 06:56 PM 1 Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Central State Archive) It holds the records of the central administrative organs of the Italian state subsequent to national unification (including the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the general directorates of ministries), together with the archives of some 250 figures playing an important part in national life (including politicians like Crispi, Giolitti, De Gasperi and Moro) and various other archives. 7

8 State Archives (Archivi di Stato)
11/03/14 06:56 PM 101 State Archives (Archivi di Stato) There is an Archivio di Stato in every provincial capitals and a local section (Sezione di Archivi di Stato) in some smaller towns. In addition to state documents from the early mediaeval period to the present (including the post records of local state offices), these archives also hold notarial records older than 100 years and the archives of suppressed ecclesiastical bodies or religious corporations whose property was confiscated by the state . 8

9 Archival Holdings in the State Archives
11/03/14 06:56 PM Archival Holdings in the State Archives Archival holdings are constantly growing: in 2013 it was more than km: 14 millions of archival units 4,5 millions of photo negatives 1,5 millions of parchments 800,0000 maps photos microfiches microfilm reels seals coins 8.000 audiovisual materials 13,5 millions of digital objects. We are now starting to deal with digital born archives. MI PA 1.500 KM 9 9

10 Religious minorities Archives Family Archives
11/03/14 06:56 PM In the past centuries, however, local authorities, noble families, individuals, writers, artists, priests, prelates and religious minorities also played a substantial role in Italian history Church Archives Religious minorities Archives Family Archives The Archive of a Poet Municipality Archives

11 11/03/14 06:56 PM On Sunday many of you visited the Pralormo Castle and had a look at the archives of the Beraudo di Pralormo family. In many cases, private archives are still in the place where they were produced. You can read the documents and see the places they mention around you..

12 11/03/14 06:56 PM It was crucial to safeguard these memories as well, to take care of the preservation of the archives not produced by the various Italian states and by the unified state after Italian society is so various that preservation of state documents alone would have meant the preservation of just part, albeit a very important part, of our history. The archival superintendencies (Soprintendenze archivistiche) were created in

13 Archival Superintendencies Soprintendenze Archivistiche
11/03/14 06:56 PM 19 Archival Superintendencies Soprintendenze Archivistiche They have jurisdiction over the archives of public bodies at the locallevel (municipalities, universities, schools, hospitals etc.) over private archives classified “of particular cultural interest” and over the religious archives, through special agreements. They exercise control over conservation and ensure access. 13

14 11/03/14 06:56 PM Non State Archives Archives and documents of Municipalities, Provinces and Regions: 8250 archives Archives and documents of other Public Bodies (Sanitary Agencies, Universities, Schools, ecc.) : more than archives. Private archives ( individuals, families, , private institutions, factories, political parties, etc.) considered of important cultural interest: about 4500 archives. The non-state records protected by the archival superintendencies include over 62,510 archives:

15 In a Superintendency you
11/03/14 06:56 PM In a Superintendency you Travel around in the Region Inspect archives Organize Plan and advise

16 11/03/14 06:56 PM Cooperate with the special Branch of the Carabinieri for the protection of cultural heritage. Tackle emergencies such as : flood, earthquakes, contamination…in the region

17 Approve or reject plans concerning non state archives
11/03/14 06:56 PM Approve or reject plans concerning non state archives Never get bored!

18 11/03/14 06:56 PM Siusa: The Unified Information System of the Soprintendenze archivistiche (

11/03/14 06:56 PM ORGANIZZAZIONE CENTRALE State Archives and Archival Superintendencies also play an important role concerning public records in the digital era as well as supervising State offices and local Public bodies with respect to record management. The General Directorate of Archives ( Direzione generale per gli archivi) promotes and coordinates the State Archives and the Archival Superintendencies

20 International relations Administration and Finance.
11/03/14 06:56 PM Preservation Conservation Surveillance Access Promotion Education Digitization Restoration Publications International relations Administration and Finance.

21 Imagine that there is no country…
11/03/14 06:56 PM Europe If Europe will develop in a true political union, at least here we’ll have to imagine some kind of new archival organization for new European Archives. Perhaps our experience could prove to be useful… Imagine that there is no country…

22 Millions of informations are produced in the world every minute .
11/03/14 06:56 PM Millions of informations are produced in the world every minute . Every single person is a producer of data and who is the proper custodian? And more: documents and records are constantly increasing.

23 11/03/14 06:56 PM Thank You.

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