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Jack and the Beanstalk Short Story Research Project

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1 Jack and the Beanstalk Short Story Research Project
By : Toey Duangpatra Section : 1002

2 Element of short story Characters Main Character: Jack, Jack is a young boy. He helps his mom and works very hard on his small farm. Supporting characters: Jack’s mother, Stranger-man, Lady Giant, Man Giant Setting Time: In spring season Place: In the small farm, at the garden behind Jack’s room.

3 PLOT Rising Action Jack go to sell cow at the market. He met a stranger man. A stranger man said that he have magical bean seed. Then Jack exchanged the cow with that bean seed. When jack came back to home. His mom very disappointed him. Then Jack threw a bean seed out of the window. In the morning, when Jack woke up he saw that in the garden have big beanstalk went up until it reached the sky. Jack climbed up on the beanstalk and he found the castle. He went to the castle. While giant took a nap.

4 Climax While jack stole the golden harp and the white hen. The hen woke up the giant. Falling Action Giant knew that his hen and harp were stolen and Jack came to his castle. The giant run followed him until at the beanstalk because he was very angry and wanted to eat Jack.

5 Resolution Jack chopped down the beanstalk. Then it made the giant felt down.

6 Point of View :Author is third person.
Theme : Good versus Evil In this story, Jack represents good and the man giant represents evil. Good wins against evil. Good always gets good things and evil always gets bad things. In this story Jack is good, so he ends up being happy and the giant dies.

7 Conflict Individual VS Individual There was conflict between Jack and the Giant. Jack stole the white hen and the golden harp from the giant. Then Giant was very angry and wanted to ate Jack. The conflict get resolved when Jack chopped down the beanstalk and the giant felt down.

- You need to obey your parents. If you do not, it will make them disappoint you or sad. - Do not steal a stuff from other persons.

9 Research of the story When was the story written? The modified version of Jack and beanstalk was written in Where and when was it published? The story that I choose was published in DLTK's Website in 2015.

10 The Author The author of this story is Leanne Guenther, creator of DLTK's Educational Activities for Kids. She comes from Saskatchewan, Canada. She is still alive today.  I think learning about the author hasn’t changed the way that I understand the story because the story is not related to the author.

11 Bibliography Guenther, L. ( 2015 ). Jack and the Beanstalk Retrieved from

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