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September – October Review

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1 September – October Review
Jeopardy ENGLISH 10.6 Unit 1 - Faith September – October Review Click to begin.

2 Contestants, are you ready to play? Click here for Final Jeopardy
Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy

3 LITERARY ANALYSIS VOCAB WRITING RULES SUMMER READING WORLD RELIGIOUS TEXTS 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 This is a story with two meanings, one literal and one symbolic.

5 What is an allegory?

6 This is the arrangement of rhymes in a stanza or a poem.

7 What is rhyme scheme?

8 A figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a comparison between the two.

9 What is a metaphor?

10 This is an implied or indirect reference, especially when used in literature.

11 What is an allusion?

12 This is the writer's attitude toward the material and/or readers, and may be playful, formal, intimate, etc.

13 What is tone?

14 (adj.) Pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas.

15 What is bombastic?

16 (adj., adv.) by virtue of holding a certain office

17 What is ex officio?

18 (n) a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose

19 What is coalition?

20 (n) a special right or privilege.

21 What is prerogative?

22 (adj.) used so often as to lack originality or freshness.

23 What is hackneyed?

24 These refer to the use of “you” and “your,” or “I” and “my,” and both should be avoided in academic writing.

25 What are first- and second-person points of view?

26 This is the correct tense for writing about works of fiction.

27 What is present tense?

28 This homonym can be a contraction showing condition, can show plural possession, or indicate location.

29 What is they’re / their / there?

30 This is the order for the citation of a quotation.

31 What is quote, parentheses, punctuation. “Quote” (Smith 52).

32 This sentence tells the reader your topic and your stance on it.

33 What is the topic sentence, or thesis?

34 This is the sound tigers make to express friendliness.

35 What is prusten?

36 Paul’s close friend during the war, he dies as Paul carries him to safety.

37 Who is Stanislaus Katczinsky?

38 Himmelstoss devises a humiliating “cure” for this condition that plagues Tjaden.

39 What is bed wetting?

40 On the day Paul is killed, the army report is confined to this single sentence.

41 What is, “All quiet on the western front?”

42 Pi Patel uses this to train Richard Parker.

43 What is a whistle?

44 These two men in these two religious works both survive a devastating flood.

45 Who are Noah, from Genesis, and Utnapishtim, from Epic of Gilgamesh?

46 This Hindu epic includes the characters Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Hanuman.

47 What is The Ramayana?

48 This is the title that Edward FitzGerald gave to his translation of more than 1000 poems, originally written in Persian.

49 What is the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam?

50 This short story begins when a kind, humble shoemaker called Simon goes out to purchase sheep-skins.

51 What is “What Men Live By?”

52 This Islamic text is from the cultures of Arabia and Persia in the 7th Century A.D.

53 What is The Koran?

54 Final Jeopardy Make your wager

55 This is what we call the inclusion of a quotation within a sentence of the writer’s own analysis of that quote.

56 What is quote embedding?

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