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2016-03-23 Gunilla Davidsson, Consul, Sida, Consulate General of Sweden in Saint Petersburg. Results strategy for Sweden’s support for democracy, human.

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Presentation on theme: "2016-03-23 Gunilla Davidsson, Consul, Sida, Consulate General of Sweden in Saint Petersburg. Results strategy for Sweden’s support for democracy, human."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016-03-23 Gunilla Davidsson, Consul, Sida, Consulate General of Sweden in Saint Petersburg.
Results strategy for Sweden’s support for democracy, human rights and environment in Russia

2 International cooperation with Russia 2014 – 2018 Sida: 64 MSEK/year
Swedish Institute: 8 MSEK/year Resultatstratgin 64 msek/år 2014 – 2018. Building network and good relationships between Sweden and Russia (Bilden är tagen från MSCE seminarium)

3 Two result areas: Greater respect for human rights, and strengthened democratic development and citizen participation Greater transparency and effectiveness, and lower level of corruption in public administration and the judicial system Greater opportunity for democratic involvement and increased participation in political processes on the part of citizens Enhanced capacity among drivers of change and civil society to promote democracy, human rights and non-discrimination, etc. Women and men have, to a greater extent, the same power to shape society and their own lives Mass media with strengthened capacity to promote transparency and public dialogue

4 2) A better environment and limited climate inpact in the Baltic Sea region
Reduced emissions of pollutants into the Baltic Sea and its catchment area in accordance with international environmental and climate agreements More energy-efficient heating and environmentally sustainable waste management Increased environmental responsibility among government, local and civil actors

5 Sida’s support today What do Sida do today?
Legal support to discriminated groups (Roma, migrants, LGBT, etc.) Litigation in Northern Caucasus Gender equality – Father groups and work against gender based violence Cooperation on municipal level between Russia and Sweden (environment as one priority area) Training of journalists Advocacy work, civil society, (including environmental NGO’s) Civil Society Organisations in Sweden. Partership and networks. Gender Equality – Fathers Groups and Gender Based Violence: Män för jämställdhet, Center ANNA. Lobbying for the new law against Gender Based violence LGBTI – Network and capacity development, Queer festival and legal aid. Anti-discrimination Fighting impunity in Northern Caucasus - Filing Cases to the European Court of HR. Training of journalists & access to independent media -Fojo media institute and Scoope project via IMS.

6 New Sida programme support 2016 with environmental and climate component
WWF Baltic Sea + Barents region ICLD Cooperation between Russian and Swedish municipalities and regions

7 Action plan for environment and climate mainstreaming
Should be done in all projects at Sida. Assessment of impact on environment and climate is to be done in all new projects. External help desk to support. Under first half of 2016 all projects in Russia should be included in an action plan on how to strengthen the environment and climate mainstreaming.

8 A feminist foreign policy in aims at:
All foreign policy A feminist foreign policy in aims at: ”women and men have the same power to shape society and their own lives. This is a goal in itself. But it is also a precondition to reach the government’s other goals, which in the foreign policy are peace, security and sustainable development” Development cooperation trade women and men have the same power to shape society and their own lives. This is a goal in itself. But it is also a precondition to reach the government’s other goals, which in the foreign policy are peace, security and sustainable development” politics

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