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Chapter 15 Energy.

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1 Chapter 15 Energy

2 Vocabulary #1-4 energy: the ability to cause changes in matter
Kinetic energy: the energy of motion Potential energy: the energy an object has because of its condition or position Energy transfer: movement of energy from one place or object to another

3 Nature of Energy Brainpop Energy Sources
Energy is all around you! You can hear energy as sound. You can see energy as light. And you can feel it as wind.

4 5. The Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy can never be made or destroyed, but it can change forms.

5 Law of Conservation of Energy
In 1905, Albert Einstein said that mass and energy can be converted into each other. He showed that if matter is destroyed, energy is created, and if energy is destroyed mass is created E = MC

6 States of Energy: Kinetic and Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion. Potential Energy is stored energy.

7 Kinetic Energy The energy of motion is called kinetic energy. The faster an object moves, the more kinetic energy it has. The greater the mass of a moving object, the more kinetic energy it has.

8 Gravitational Potential Energy
Potential energy that is dependent on height is called gravitational potential energy.

9 Kinetic-Potential Energy Conversion
Roller coasters work because of the energy that is built into the system. Initially, the cars are pulled mechanically up the tallest hill, giving them a great deal of potential energy. From that point, the conversion between potential and kinetic energy powers the cars throughout the entire ride.

10 Energy Transfer Energy can move between places or objects.
You move energy when you: hit a softball. (from the bat to the ball) From moving Acrobat to acrobat on teeterboard

11 What are some forms of Energy?

12 Vocabulary #6-10 6. solar energy: energy that comes from the sun 7. light: radiation that we can see 8. chemical energy: energy that can be released by a chemical reaction 9. mechanical energy: the combination of all the kinetic and potential energy that something has 10. electric energy: energy that comes from an electric current

13 Energy can be defined as the ability to do work.
Nature of Energy Energy can be defined as the ability to do work. If an object does work, it uses energy. Energy is measured in the same unit as work: joules (J).

14 Forms of Energy Solar Light - electromagnetic Chemical Mechanical
The five main forms of energy are: Solar Light - electromagnetic Chemical Mechanical Electric

15 Electromagnetic Energy
Power lines carry electromagnetic energy into your home in the form of electricity.

16 Mechanical Energy When work is done to an object, it acquires energy. The energy it acquires is known as mechanical energy.

17 Nuclear Energy When the nucleus splits (fission), nuclear energy is released in the form of heat energy and light energy. Nuclear energy is also released when nuclei collide at high speeds and join (fuse).

18 Energy conversions All forms of energy can be converted into other forms. The sun’s energy through solar cells can be converted directly into electricity. Green plants convert the sun’s energy (electromagnetic) into starches and sugars (chemical energy).

19 Energy Conversions In an automobile engine, fuel is burned to convert chemical energy into heat energy. The heat energy is then changed into mechanical energy.

20 Vocab #11-16 11.  heat:  the transfer of thermal energy between objects with different temperatures 12.  system:  a group of separate elements that work together to accomplish something 13.  conduction:  the transfer of heat from one object directly to another 14.  convection:  the transfer of heat, through the movement of a gas or a liquid 15.  radiation:  the transfer of energy by means of wave that move through matter and space 16.  reflection:  the bouncing of heat or light off an object





25 Lesson 4 – How do People use energy Resources?

26 Definitions #17-22 17. fossil: the remains or traces of past life, found in sedimentary rock. 18. resource: any material that can be used to satisfy a need 19. nonrenewable resource: a resource that, once used, cannot be replaced in a reasonable amount of time. 20. Conservation: the use of less of a resource to make the supply last longer. 21. renewable resource: a resource that can be replaced within a reasonable amount of time. 22. pollution: a waste product that harms living things and damages an ecosystem.


28 Nonrenewable Energy resources
Brain Pop – fossil fuels

29 Renewable Energy Resources
Solar Energy Hybrid cars Wind Energy

30 Conservation and the environment
Answer the questions in your journal.. Be sure to use full sentences. Page 593, 595, and 596. Brain Pop – Conserving Energy

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