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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Fourth Grade Welcome to Curriculum Night

2 Welcome to Fourth Grade!
Tonight’s presentation is a sneak peak at our fourth grade curriculum! Please ask questions tonight as you have them.

3 Important things: Don’t forget to get your Reading Log pass for coming to tonight’s PTO and Curriculum night! Birthday treats: Feel free to send in something, but please remember that it must be store bought, unopened, and contain the nutrition label.

4 Our Goals To give you the academic and social skills you need to progress to fifth grade. To provide a supportive, creative, and fun classroom environment. To help you discover your strengths, improve your weaknesses, and become the best student that you can be!

5 Class Subjects The subjects we cover during fourth grade are: Math
Writing Reading Science Social studies

6 Math Workshop Our class uses math workshop which
includes: a mini lesson, whole group instruction, small group instruction, partner problem solving, lots of games, computer station, and manipulatives. Students are being encouraged to become problem solvers and mathematicians. * The only way to get better at math is by doing math!!

7 Math Workshop Fourth Grade will cover the following major concepts in math: •Place Value to millions •Multiplication and Division Facts • +, -, ×, ÷ of Greater Numbers •Algebra •Decimals! •Fractions •Comparing and Ordering Numbers •Applying problem solving skills for multi-step word problems •Math Vocabulary

8 Reading Workshop Mini Lesson with focus on a particular skill for the day. Read to Self time- Students are reading independently books that are “just right” for their reading level. They are practicing the skill taught during the mini lesson. Students are responsible for completing a daily reading log, having books ready for reading, and responding to their reading in their reading journal. •Guided Reading groups with the teacher, book clubs, word work,writing/journaling andlistening to reading are also a part of our workshop.

9 Science Food and Nutrition Rocks and Minerals Earth History
Phases of the Moon Animal Adaptations and Behaviors Magnets and Electricity

10 Social Studies North Carolina!
We will cover the geography, economics, history, and much more of our state! Each unit will include an in class project for students to complete and present to their peers!

11 Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Students earn and lose money in our classroom economy based on behavior cards each week! Please sign and return those cards each Monday so that your student can receive their paycheck.

12 Homework Reading- Students have a monthly reading log with an expectation of reading 400 minutes, due on the last day of the month. Weekly math homework review based on the week and reading comprehension or text evidence activities will also be completed. **Please be sure that your student is reading Math- Weekly content review.

13 Assessments Fourth graders will participate in several Mastery Connect Benchmark assessments. The results of the first set of these will be discussed at a later date. These results are NOT the only determination of your child’s ability! Reading & Math EOG- Last 10 days of school

14 Field Trips RALEIGH- March 8, 2018
***Any parents intending to go on the Raleigh trip as a chaperone, must have a background check completed through the school system. Parents going to Raleigh will need to provide their own lunch transportation. Students may ride home with parent from Raleigh but they must ride the charter bus to Raleigh for accountability.

15 Valentine Exchange and Snack – Feb. 14
Class Parties We will have 3 parties this year- Valentine Exchange and Snack – Feb. 14 Christmas - December 19. End of Year- June 6 Parties will take place from 2-3 pm * We will send out an close to party time with directions for Please be considerate of our allergies.

16 Social Media Concerns

17 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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