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Published byHubert Cannon Modified over 6 years ago
Alexander Vasiliev on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration
Status of PANDA at FAIR Alexander Vasiliev on behalf of the PANDA Collaboration
1. Introduction: FAIR, HESR & PANDA
Content of the report 1. Introduction: FAIR, HESR & PANDA (FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) (HESR – High Energy Storage Ring) (PANDA– antiProton ANnihilation at DArmstadt) 2. Physics program of PANDA 3. PANDA detector 4. Schedule of PANDA 5. Conclusion
Collecting Accumulating Precooling
SIS 100/300 50 MeV SIS18 p-Linac 30 GeV Protons HESR Cu Target GeV pbar production : proton Linac 50 MeV accelerate p in SIS18/SIS100 produce pbar on target collect pbar in CR, cool in RESR (not in Start Version) inject pbar into HESR PANDA Accelerating Cooling RESR/CR Collecting Accumulating Precooling 100m
HESR - High Energy Storage Ring
EXP Injection of p at 3.7 GeV Storage ring for internal target operation Mode High Resolution High Luminosity Momentum range Stored antiprotons Luminosity Mom. Resol. (rms) Beam cooling GeV/c 1010 2·1031 cm-2s-1 p/p ≤ 4·10-5 Electron ( ≤ 8.9 GeV/c) 1.5 – 15 GeV/c 1011 2·1032 cm-2s-1 p/p = 1·10-4 Stochastic ( ≥ 3.8 GeV/c)
Experiment performed at FAIR facility, near GSI, in Darmstadt, Germany
antiProton ANnihilation at DArmstadt Experiment performed at FAIR facility, near GSI, in Darmstadt, Germany A very high intensity p beam with momentum from 1.5 GeV/c up to15 GeV/c on a proton fixed target (or nuclear target), average interaction rate 20 MHz, s from 2.25 up to 5.46 GeV It will continue and extend the successful physics program performed in the past at facilities like LEAR at CERN and the antiproton accumulator ring at FNAL
Physics Program of PANDA
Physics program is aimed at finding new forms of matter in the interactions of antimatter with matter. Some specific parts of the program are as follows: - search for exotic particles such as glueballs and hybrids; - spectroscopy of charmonium states mostly above the threshold for pair D-anti-D-mesons, however below the threshold as well (study h_c width etc.); - study hyper-nuclei (including - double) and charm-nuclei, when the strange (one or two) or charmed particle "implanted" into the nuclei instead of the usual nucleon; study electromagnetic form factors of proton; etc.
Benefit of antiproton annihilation
In electron-positron annihilations direct particle formation is possible only for the states with the quantum numbers J(PC) = 1 (--)
Positronium Charmonium ψ’’ ψ’ η’c χ2 hc χ1 χ0 ψ ηc
Dissociation energy 7 1000 23S1 900 6 23P2 n = 2 21P1 800 ψ’’ 23P1 5 23S1 23P0 700 ψ’ Relative energy (eV) 600 η’c DD threshold 4 23S1 Relative energy (MeV) hc χ2 23P2 500 23S1 3 χ1 23P1 400 21P1 300 χ0 bound states 2 23P0 200 1 n = 1 13S1 100 ψ 13S0 ηc 13S1 –100 13S0 L = 0 L = 1 L = 0 L = 1 Singlet T riplet Singlet T riplet Singlet T riplet Singlet T riplet 0.1 nm e+ e− 1 fm c
The glueball spectrum from LQCD calculations
X and Y mesons X(4160) Belle Belle X(3872) Y(4260) Belle Y(4008)? X(3872) BK ωJ/ψ Y(3940) Belle M(ωJ/ψ) Y(4350) & Y(4660) Belle X(3940) e+e-DD*J/ψ Belle CDF BaBar M(ωJ/ψ) BaBar So, the clear picture of quark-antiquark states is disturbed
BELLE 7σ Z+ (4430) - a new state of matter
(tetraquark?) decaying into π+ψ’ BELLE 7σ PRL 100, (2008) arXiv: [hep-ex] And how exotic the picture might be we see with the state Z+ discovered by the BELLE collaboration Γ = ( (stat) (syst)) GeV − M = (4.433 ± (stat) ± (syst)) GeV
PANDA: pp ➛ Z+(4430) + π− ↵ ψ(2S)π+ → J/ψ π+π−
Detector requirements
antiproton momentum: from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c Lmax ~2 · 1032 cm-2s-1 , high rate capability: 2 · 107 s-1 interactions nearly 4p solid angle for PWA p±, K±, p±, e±, m±, g identification displaced vertex detection – vertex info for D, KS, , (c = 317 m for D±) photon detection from 10 MeV to 10 GeV efficient event selection & good momentum resolution
PANDA Detector Target Spectrometer Forward Spectrometer Dipole Magnet
Nach vorne wiederholt sich das Konzept, um auch kleine Winkel abdecken zu koennen.
Superconducting Solenoid
Central field 2.0 T Field homogeneity ≤2% Norm. radial field integral ≤2 mm Inner bore 1.9 m Cold mass parameters Length 2.7 m Energy 20 MJ Current A Weight 4.5 t Cable cross section 3.4 × 2 mm2 Current density 59 A/mm Yoke parameters Length 4.9 m Outer radius m Iron layers 13 Total weight 300 t
Micro Vertex Detector Target 4 3 2 Beam 1 5 6 r / mm rmax = 150 mm
135 95 25 55 20 40 70 100 160 230 -170 -230 z / mm 6 disk layers 4 barrel layers Silicon detectors: Hybrid pixel detectors (11 M channels) Double-sided microstrip detectors (200k ch.)
Central Straw Tube Tracker
4580 Straw tubes Al-mylar: d=27µm, =10mm, L=1500 mm 21-27 planar layers in 6 hexagonal sectors 8 layers skewed (3D reconstruction) Time readout (isochrone radius) Amplitude readout (dE/dx) srf ~ 150 mm, sz ~ 3.0 mm p ~ 1-2% at B=2Tesla
Central EMC Barrel Calorimeter 11360 PWO Crystals APD readout, 2x1cm2
Forward Endcap 4000 PWO crystals High occupancy in center APD or VPT Backward Endcap for hermeticity, 560 PWO crystals
Energy resolution of 3x3 PWO prototype with photomultiplier-readout
Large Aperture Dipole 2Tm for particles scattered in 0 – 10o (5o vertical) Allows momentum resolution <1% Large aperture (1x3m) and short length (2.5m) Ramping capability due to lamination Field integral Tm Bending variation ≤ ±15% Vertical Acceptance ±5° Horizontal Acceptance ±10° Ramp speed %/s Total dissipated power 360 kW Total Inductance H Stored energy MJ Weight t Dimensions (H × W × L) × 5.3 × 2.5 m3 Gap opening (H × W) − 1.01 × 3.10 m2
Forward Tracker 6 Tracking stations: 2 before,
2 inside and 2 after dipole magnet based on 1 cm pressure stabilized straw tubes Each tracking station contains four double-layers: two with vertical straws two tilted by ±5° Angular acceptance: ±5º vertically, ±10º horizontally Momentum acceptance: down to ~2% of pbeam Momentum resolution: ~0.5%
Forward Shashlik-type Calorimeter
380 layers of 0.3-mm lead and 1.5-mm scintillator, total length 680 mm Transverse size 55x55 mm2 Light collection: 36 fibers BCF-91A (1.0 mm) PMT as a photodetector LED for each module as a light monitoring system Optical fiber for each cell for a precise PMT gain monitoring Detector size: ~3,6m x 2,2 m (54x28 cells)
Dependence of Energy Resolution on energy
σE /E = a/E b/√E c [%], E in GeV Experiment data and MC fit: a = 3.5 ± a = 3.3 ± 0.1 b = 2.8 ± b = 3.1 ± 0.1 c = 1.3 ± c = 1.2 ± 0.1 Good agreement with MC (with a residual momentum spread of 2.4% introduced to get linear term)
Other Sub-detectors of PANDA
Target spectrometer: barrel and forward DIRC barrel TOF (scintillator tiles) muon system (in solenoid) Forward spectrometer: TOF (scintillator strips) muon system (at the end of set-up)
from 55 institutions of 17 countries
Collaboration • At present a group of 460 physicists from 55 institutions of 17 countries Austria – Belarus- China - France - Germany – India - Italy – The Nederlands - Poland – Romania - Russia – Spain - Sweden – Switzerland - Thailand - U.K. – U.S.A.. Basel, Beijing, Bochum, BARC Bombay, IIT Bombay, Bonn, Brescia, IFIN Bucharest, IIT Chicago, AGH Krakow, IFJ PAN Krakow, JU Krakow, Krakow UT, Edinburgh, Erlangen, Ferrara, Frankfurt, Genoa, Giessen, Glasgow, GSI, FZ Jülich, JINR Dubna, Katowice, KVI Groningen, Lanzhou, LNF, LNL, Lund, Mainz, Minsk, ITEP Moscow, MPEI Moscow, TU München, Münster, Northwestern, BINP Novosibirsk, IPN Orsay, Pavia, IHEP Protvino, PNPI St.Petersburg, KTH Stockholm, Stockholm, SUT, INFN Torino, Torino, Torino Politecnico, Trieste, TSL Uppsala, Tübingen, Uppsala, Valencia, SINS Warsaw, TU Warsaw, SMI Wien
Schedule of 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 experiment commissioning installation at FAIR pre-assembly mass production R&D TDR FAIR
Conclusions PANDA experiment will have a great potential for discovery in addition to the LHC at a relatively high-energy antiprotons and, at the same time, due to the energy scan mode will determine the width of the resonances with an accuracy of a linear collider. Studies will be performed at the antiproton beam storage ring with a stochastic and electron cooling (HESR) with energy up to 15 GeV. Expected to record in the world of pure intensity antiproton beam that provides up to 2х107 interactions on the target per second. In addition to high-intensity, beam of antiprotons would be unprecedented in the degree of monochromatic, the expected level of p/p down to 10-5 , which will allow the study of strong interactions with high precision. PANDA detector is created using the most modern technology and provides a registration and identification of neutral and charged particles to nearly the full solid angle and energy range up to 15 GeV. A commissioning of PANDA and the first data taking is planned for 2018.
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