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Welcome to SecureComm 2009 Yan Chen and Tassos Dimitriou

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1 Welcome to SecureComm 2009 Yan Chen and Tassos Dimitriou
Northwestern University , USA and Athens Institute of Technology, Greece

2 Paper Submissions and Review
Received 76 submissions (one withdrawn) Each receives at least 3 reviews Some receive as many as five reviews! Two phases of review First round (April 7 to May 27): ~290 reviews (avg 3.8 reviews/paper) Remove papers w/ all-agreed poor quality Two week online discussion (May 28 to June 12) Consensus reached for all other papers

3 Accepted Papers 19 full papers and 7 short papers
Acceptance rates: 25.3% for full papers and 34.7% for short papers Thanks to all the 64 TPC members! From both academia and industry labs

4 Invited Talks Prof. Sal Stolfo from Columbia University, USA
“Polymorphic Shellcode: The Demise of Signature-based Detection”, Prof. Bart Preneel from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium “Upgrading cryptographic algorithms for network security”

5 Acknowledgement The technical sponsors CreateNet, ICST, and the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) of the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” Organizers. In particular, the Publication Chair Prof. Jianying Zhou, the Conference Coordinators Gergely Nagy and Eszter Hajdu, the Website Coordinator Kun Bai, the Steering Committee: Prof. Imrich Chlamtac and Prof. Krishna Sivalingam.

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