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WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! Mrs. Barnes 6th grade Math.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! Mrs. Barnes 6th grade Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! Mrs. Barnes 6th grade Math

2 Our School and Class Rules
Speak at appropriate times Respect the learning environment Complete work/cooperate with others Be prepared for class Respect others Arrive on time Refrain from eating, drinking, or chewing gum

3 Consequences: 1st offense- The student will receive a verbal warning. I will note this as the students first check mark on my behavior clip board. 2nd offense- The student will receive their second check mark. The student will complete a character traits assignment. This reflection must be completed, signed by the parent, and returned the following school day. *Failure to do so will result in automatic detention. 3rd offense- The student will receive their third check mark. The student will be issued a lunch detention the following school day. **For severe disruptions, automatic detention will be issued and/or the student will be sent immediately to the discipline office. **Records of student behavior will be kept by the teacher throughout the year.

4 Classroom procedures:
Before entering the classroom: students must meet all school uniform policies. Entering the classroom: students will enter the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner. Students will sit in their assigned seat,get out their notebooks and books, and immediately begin their Bell Work. There is NO TALKING during this time.

5 Bell work: Each day when you enter the class, bell work will be displayed on the board. You should complete all bell work in the bell work section of your notebook. ALWAYS date your bell work. Use ½ a page for each day’s bell work. Copy the problem and solve it! Check your work when we go over it! Homework: Homework must be ENTIRELY complete, neat, in the proper format (WORK SHOWN), and ON TIME in order to receive credit. NO WORK = NO CREDIT When you are absent: If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to check the “While you were out” wall. Your make-up work will be in the folder labeled with class period. Your name will be on any worksheets/handouts you missed. The number of days you are absent determines the number of days you have to complete the missed work.

6 Assessments: Assessments will be given throughout the nine weeks
Assessments: Assessments will be given throughout the nine weeks. You will be assessed on a variety of tasks. Assessments dates will be announced in class, written on the board, and posted on my webpage. Storing class materials: Each group has a basket and caddy filled with things that you will need to use during class. These items MUST be taken care of BETTER than you take care of your own belongings. Your belongings: Keep your school bag, gym bag, lunch kit, and any other items under or NEAR your desk. Do NOT leave your things in the middle of the floor!

7 Asking questions: Always raise your hand before asking questions
Asking questions: Always raise your hand before asking questions. Never be afraid to ask questions. I am here to help! Always be respectful of your peers when they ask questions. Listening to instructions: Students must always listen carefully to all instructions. Do not begin assignments until I have finished giving all directions, you may miss something important! Always read all directions before beginning your assignments. Working with partners or groups: You will sometimes be asked to complete assignments with a partner or a group. I will assign these partners/groups. You WILL be respectful of everyone in your group. You are expected to work together cooperatively, quietly, and productively until time is called. If noise levels get too loud you will be asked to complete the assignment independently.

8 Turning in papers: Assessments will ALWAYS be turned in to your class drawer in the back of the room. NEVER just lay a paper/test on my desk! When visitors enter the classroom: Students are to continue their work. Disruptions while visitors are in the classroom WILL NOT be tolerated. If this procedure is violated, an apology letter must be written to the visitor.

9 Out of Class Passes: Each student will receive an “Out of Class” pass
Out of Class Passes: Each student will receive an “Out of Class” pass. These passes will be used ANYTIME you need to leave the room. You will receive TWO passes per class per nine weeks. Once they have been used, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom. You MUST have your pass in hand when asking to leave the room. Exiting the classroom: Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom unless called by the office or in the event of an emergency. You should use the restroom and get water between classes. Students will not pack up until I give permission. I will dismiss you, not the bell. No one will be allowed to leave until your area is clean, and everyone is seated and quiet.

10 My Expectations: I expect you to follow ALL of the classroom
I expect you to follow ALL of the classroom rules and procedures- ALL of the time. I expect you to participate while in class and raise your hand to ask questions. I expect you to show regard to you teacher by answering in a respectful manner (yes ma’am, no ma’am, please, thank you, etc.). I expect you to complete all class work and homework assignments on time. I expect us to have a great year!

11 3 or 5 subject Notebook WITH pocket dividers Pencils
Supplies Needed 3 or 5 subject Notebook WITH pocket dividers Pencils Dry Erase markers (for YOU) **Be prepared to replenish supplies when needed!

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