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Communication and Social Style

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Presentation on theme: "Communication and Social Style"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication and Social Style

2 Communication Is a two-way process (sending and receiving) by which ideas are transmitted from one person to another

3 Verbal Communication Words we hear Words we say
Language: signs and symbols

4 Non-verbal Communication & Body Language
What we see What our body “says” to others Facial expression Eye contact Body movement Hand shake Tone of voice

5 Active listening Understanding what you are being told
Showing you are there Eye contact

6 Social Styles Model Tells Asks Controls Emotes
The Driving Style is a pattern of tell assertive and control responsive behaviors The Analytical Style is a pattern of ask assertive and control responsive behaviors The Amiable Style is a pattern of ask assertive and emote responsive behaviors The Expressive Style is a pattern of tell assertive and emote responsive behaviors

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