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Cities, States and Unequal Societies

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1 Cities, States and Unequal Societies
First Civilizations Cities, States and Unequal Societies

2 What is a civilization? Cities with populations in the 10’s of thousands Monumental Architecture Powerful states that demand obedience Much greater inequality - economic - social

3 First Civilizations Sumer (southern Mesopotamia) - first written language – cunieform Norte Chico (Peru) - smaller cities - less agriculture - no walls – less warfare? - quipus

4 Norte Chico (Peru)

5 First Civilizations Indus Valley (India) - planned cities, grid system - standardized weights and measures - caste system China (Xia, Shang, Zhou dynasties) - centralized - mandate of heaven - oracle bones (writing) Olmec (Mexico/Texas) - first written language in Americas 900BCE - eventually influenced the Maya

6 Oracle Bones (Shang China)

7 Olmec Heads

8 Origins of The First Civilizations
The need for warfare, trade, large irrigation projects Competition led to warfare and innovation - the plow was developed - winners of war absorbed losers into their civilization as subordinate workers Features of the first civilizations - cities - job specialization - center of culture (arts), exchange, politics

9 Mesopotamia

10 The Erosion of Equality
Upper Class - great wealth, no physical labor - distinguished by clothes, burial, government positions, special treatment under law Lower Class - majority of people, workers - slavery emerged with civilizations - slaves were conquered people, not race of skin color

11 Hierarchy of Gender Civilization undermined equality of gender - more intensive agriculture (plows, tech) - women associated with nature - war – men physically stronger Women activities restricted - couldn’t inherit property - exchange of female slaves - concubines - couldn’t initiate divorce

12 The Rise of the State Reasons for the emergence of civilization - irrigation, defense Rule by divine authority - In China “Mandate of Heaven” Writing - accounting, tax collection, propaganda, astronomy Kings - grand monuments, luxurious clothes, elaborate burials

13 Mandate of Heaven

14 Egypt and Mesopotamia – Environment and Culture
Both depended on rivers - Nile in Egypt: more predictable - Tigris/Euphrates in Mesopotamia: erratic Mesopotamia less geographically isolated - more prone to invasion than Egypt - more pessimistic outlook on world b/c more threats Environmental Difficulties - in Mesopotamia, soil erosion, deforestation due to rising population. invasions - more continuities in Egypt due to more advanced agriculture

15 Mesopotamia and Egypt Mesopotamia - City-States each ruled by a king - 80% of pop. Lived in city-states for protection - Outside forces conquered city-states around 2300BCE Egypt - Around 3100BCE Egypt became unified - Egypt unified for 3000 years - travel along the Nile helped unification efforts

16 Old Kingdom – Pyramids at Giza

17 The Pharaoh God in human form – Son of Ra
Linked to flooding of the Nile Connected people to the afterlife - mummification Discredited around 2200BCE when Nile didn’t flood BCE – state of anarchy - Pharaohs restored 2000BCE but never regained the same clout

18 Interaction and Exchange
Both Mesopotamia and Egypt frequently interacted Egypt benefited from Mesopotamia - agriculture: cereal grains - architecture: step pyramids - writing: cuneiform Interaction - Mesopotamian trade with Anatolia, Egypt, Iran, and Afghanistan - Egypt interacted w/ Nubia and African east coast

19 Cuneiform

20 Cultural Influences Along Trade Routes
Hebrews migrated from Mesopotamia to Palestine and Egypt – monotheism eventually emerged. Phoenicians - adapted cuneiform into the first alphabet. 22 characters Nubia borrowed from Egypt - pyramids, hieroglyphics, gods Egyptian influence in Minoan art (Crete)

21 Hyksos Invade Egypt

22 Mesopotamia and Egypt were also influenced by their neighbors
Hittites brought chariots to Mesopotamia and conquered the Babylonian Empire – 1595BCE Hyksos invade Egypt - used chariots to invade in ’sBCE - brought new armor and weapons, new metallurgy - new methods of spinning and weaving - olive and pomegranate trees By 1500BCE Egypt was an imperial state - rule over non-Egyptians in Africa and Middle East

23 Mummification and Civilization Video

24 Egypt and Mesopotamia Activity - Comparing Egypt and Mesopotamia - pairs – PERSIAN charts

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