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Obststric Haemorrhage Obstetric Emergencies

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1 Obststric Haemorrhage Obstetric Emergencies
Hemorrhage Obstetric Emergencies

2 Obststric Haemorrhage
Hemorrhage Causes of ANTEPARTUM haemorrhage Abruptio Placenta Placenta previa Local causes Unknown origin

3 ABRUPTIO PLACENTA Underlying pathology Hypertensive Disease
Multiple pregnancy Trauma Anemia Polyhydramnios

4 PLACENTA PREVIA Predisposing factors Previous Caesarean Section
Most have no known cause – presumed late implantation

5 Local & Unknown Causes of APH
Rupture of uterus Carcinoma of cervix Trauma Cervical polyp Bilharzia of cervix ? Edge bleed ? Hemorrhoids

6 Hemorrhage Induction of labor with oxytocin is associated with an increased rate of uterine rupture in gravid women with 1 prior uterine scar, in comparison with the rate in spontaneously laboring women.

7 Abruptio Placenta Features Pain and tenderness Often I.U.F.D
“Hypotension on hypertension” Clotting defects Renal impairment

8 Antepartum Hemorrhage
Exclude abruption, uterine rupture, placenta previa with labor Is she stable? - ?BP, pulse Check Abdomen - previous C/S scar, fundal height and uterine tenderness Check FH Vaginal examination and ARM

9 Abruptio placenta APH = ARM

10 Abruptio Placenta Resuscitate - FDP, whole blood
Monitor BP and urine output Give oxytocin infusion or prostaglandin if necessary to induce contractions Avoid Cesarean Section unless salvageable baby, or no progress Watch out for PPH

11 Placenta Previa Suspicion from low uterine souffle
Diagnose by Ultrasound Resuscitate, monitor BP and amount of bleeding Persistent bleeding requires delivery whatever the gestation

12 Complete Placenta Previa
Transfer anterior placenta previa Elective cesarean if  37 weeks Birth through the placenta

13 Post Partum Hemorrhage
Predisposing factors Antepartum hemorrhage Multiple pregnancy Prolonged labour Cesarean Section

14 Post Partum Hemorrhage
Causes Uterine atony Obstetric trauma *Use Large Bore IV Lines*

15 Post Partum Hemorrhage
Atonic uterus (soft uterus) Compression - bimanual is best Oxytocin - 10 units IV or (insert dosage) IM Syntometrine 1 amp IM Misoprostol (Cytotec) 1mg (5 tabs) rectally Trauma (hard uterus) Vaginal tears are most common Cervical tears rare unless instrumental Remember the ruptured uterus Uterine inversion

16 Post Partum Haemorrhage
Other causes Instrumental Delivery Infection - 2° PPH Retained placental fragments

17 Post Partum Haemorrhage
Rub up a contraction Get help Insert two large bore IV lines - Haes-Steril Give an oxytocic Explore digitally for fragments and tears Explore with speculum for tears - especially cervix Evacuate under GA

18 Rupture of Uterus Two types True rupture Dehiscence of scar

19 Rupture of Uterus True Rupture Contractions stop Continuous pain
Tender abdomen Fundus ill-defined PV Bleeding Fetal heart dips or absent fetal heart Scar Dehiscence Dehiscence may be silent – no bleeding Fetal distress Hematuria Vague uterine outline Failed induction

20 Rupture of Uterus High Index of suspicion in grande multips and in scarred uteri All cases of Ante and Intra partum haemorrhage must exclude rupture Laparotomy if suspected Repair or Hysterectomy?

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