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Colleen K. McIlvennan, DNP, ANP

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1 Colleen K. McIlvennan, DNP, ANP
Decision Tree Colleen K. McIlvennan, DNP, ANP Assistant Professor of Medicine Section of Advanced Heart Failure and Transplantation INTERMACS 2016

2 Disclosures None.

3 Outline What is Shared Decision Making? LVAD Therapy (DT)
Decision Support Tools

4 1. What is Shared Decision Making?

5 Shared Decision Making

6 --Steve Wilkins, MPH

7 Classes of Treatment Decisions
Benefit When scientific evidence for benefit strongly outweighs harm, behavioral support (e.g. smoking cessation, beta-blocker) designed to describe, justify, and recommend is most appropriate. Risk

8 Classes of Treatment Decisions
Benefit LVAD 32F peri-partum CM INTERMACS 2 Risk

9 Classes of Treatment Decisions
Shared decision making is most easily applied to preference-sensitive decisions, to help patients think through, forecast, and deliberate their options. Benefit Risk

10 Classes of Treatment Decisions
LVAD 75M multi-morbidity INTERMACS 5 Benefit Risk

11 2. DT LVAD Therapy

12 McIlvennan, Magid, Ambardekar, Thompson, Matlock, Allen
McIlvennan, Magid, Ambardekar, Thompson, Matlock, Allen. Circ Heart Fail. 2015

13 Dichotomy in Approach Reflective
“…it was a hard choice. It wasn't an easy choice for me to make I fumbled with that for a little while before I made the decision to do it.” “I don't know if the pump would keep me alive. And even if it does, I'm not sure it would be worth living. “ McIlvennan et al. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014

14 Dichotomy in Approach Reflective Automatic
“…it was a hard choice. It wasn't an easy choice for me to make I fumbled with that for a little while before I made the decision to do it.” “I don't know if the pump would keep me alive. And even if it does, I'm not sure it would be worth living. “ I: “Did you weigh the pros and cons of the decision at all?” R: “No. No. Didn't even think twice about it. When they told me that I couldn’t have a transplant…this was the only option I had. That or push up daisies…so I automatically took this.” McIlvennan et al. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014

15 Shared Decision-Making Process
Explain and define the medically reasonable options Shared Decision-Making Process describe the risks, benefits, burdens of each option solicitation of patient preferences, values, goals

16 3. Decision Support Tools


18 Decision Aids

19 Thompson, Matlock, McIlvennan, Jenkins, Allen. JACC Heart Fail. 2015

20 Thompson, Matlock, McIlvennan, Jenkins, Allen. JACC Heart Fail. 2015


22 Controlled Patient Testimonials


24 Future Directions Ideal timing? Does indication matter? New technology

25 Questions?

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