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Space An Element of Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Space An Element of Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space An Element of Design

2 In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of Collagraph Printmaking?
BW 1/19 In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of Collagraph Printmaking?

3 Agenda 1/19: New Unit! Video on Space
Notes on Space, Positive Space and Negative Space Sketchbook Assignment: Positive and Negative Tools Sketchbook Check: Texture Hand, Artificial & Natural Texture

4 Space The area in which an artwork is organized. It covers the area within a work of art, and can include the area outside of and around a work of art.

5 3 Types of space: Positive & Negative Space
Illusion of 3- Dimensional Space Linear Perspective Drawing

6 Positive Space is the area the object or subject actually occupies

7 Negative space Negative Space is the area around the object or subject matter


9 Equal Amount of Positive and Negative Space

10 Which is greater -- the Positive or Negative Space?

11 Which is greater -- the Positive or Negative Space?

12 Manipulating positive & Negative space

13 Sketchbook assignment: pos & neg Space tools
Split your paper in half . Select any art “tool”. Draw the tool in an identical position/placement on both sides. On one side of the paper, color in the positive space. On the other, color in the negative space.

14 BW 1/20 Analyze this artwork by Graphic Design artist, Noma Bar. What do you think this image means?

15 Agenda 1/20 Video on Noma Bar Think-Group-Share
Finish Sketchbook Assignment – Positive & Negative Space Tools Sketchbook Check next week – 3 sketchbook assignments

16 Pos & Neg space in logos

17 Pos & Neg interpretation
Examine these artworks by Noma Bar and Tang Yau Hoong. Spend 5 minutes alone thinking about what each image might mean. Spend another 5 minutes as a table discussing the meaning of each. Share with the class.

18 BW 1/24 SKETCH this picture first. Next, answer: How can you tell that the electric poles are getting further away?

19 Agenda 1/24 Video on Space Notes on the Implied Space
Begin Sketchbook Assignment Sketchbook check

20 Implied SPace Implied Space conveys a feeling of space or depth.
There are 6 ways to create Implied Space:

21 1. Value & COlor Close objects appear darker in value and warmer in color.  Far objects appear lighter in value and cooler in color.

22 2. Size Objects get smaller further away

23 3. Overlap When one object is positioned in front of another object, part of the object behind it is blocked from view. 


25 Sketchbook: Implied SPACE Examples
Divide a page into 6 boxes Label each one. Draw a diagram to demonstrate the 3 Implied Space techniques we learned today.

26 BW 1/14 In what ways does Gustave Caillebotte’s painting, Le Pont de L’Europe, demonstrate Implied Space?

27 Continue Space Diagrams
Agenda 1/25 Finish Notes Continue Space Diagrams

28 4. Detail Objects that are closer appear more detailed than objects that are further away

29 5. Placement Objects that are placed lower on the picture plane will appear closer than objects that are placed higher Paris Street; Rainy Day, Gustave Caillebotte

30 6. Linear Perspective Linear perspective is a drawing method that uses lines to draw objects in space.


32 BW 1/19 How can you tell that this image has depth?

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