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Hamilton College About us:

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1 Hamilton College About us:
A mixed Secondary school (11-16) on the outskirts of Leicester City Centre; Backed on to a number of deprived areas; Turbulence in Leadership since 2015; OFSTED in Oct ’16 judged us Inadequate – Special Measures; Becoming an academy with Rushey Mead.

2 Hamilton College Our Students: 49% of students are EAL;
39% are White British; 18% are SEND; 54% are male; 32% are Pupil Premium; Approximately 54 % of the cohort read below their chronological age; 33% of students did not begin with us in Year 7.

3 Whole school assessment strategies
Whole school data collection: Students set a ‘baseline’ expectation on arrival; ‘Challenge’ Targets for all in-place; Life without levels – ‘ROUTES’; Data and Tracking cycle – includes standardisation and moderation; HoF required to complete ‘Tracking reviews’ – respond, explain, and justify.

4 Whole school assessment strategies
In the classroom: Effective Marking & Feedback; Reflection time – building reflective learners; Subject specific trackers; Precise and effective questioning; AFL strategies – Mini-plenaries, traffic light system, WOW NOW, HOW, peer and self assessment etc.

5 Assessment in PE Effective tools to reduce workload and to evidence progress in the lesson.




9 Using the Assessment Sheets
Examples for completing the WOW/NOW/HOW section for students: WOW I enjoyed taking part in ______________ (rugby) because………… I made good progress in ______________ (rugby) because………… I copy demonstrations I understand how to play I understand tactics I work really well with others I now enjoy leading activities I now enjoy PE when in the past I found it challenging because…………..  NOW To develop in PE further, I am going to focus on……………. Social skills Personal skills Cognitive skills Creative skills Physical skills All of the above could be taken from the front of the assessment sheet Speaking English Explaining Answering questions Being a leader Being a good role model HOW Help/coach others Make sure I’m organised Think & apply – use keywords such as movement/space/direction/speed/agility/stamina/power etc Take risks, try harder, be brave Try hard to master skills Use keywords specific to activity

10 Challenge check sheets… Inclusive and challenging for all
Challenge check sheets… Inclusive and challenging for all. Promotes independent learning. Personal, social, physical, creative, cognitive skills. Allows numerous opportunities to engage students in dialogue, to ‘Dig deeper’.


12 Indicator of Routes for Year 7:  Working at Route 1 (Foundation)
Surname Forename EAL / SEN Route Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Behaviour in lessons General attitude to learning (PAL) Concentration Enthusiasm Ability to work individually (focus) Ability to work under direction Ability to work with others Resilience / aspiration curiosity and creativity compassion and social conscience (friendships) listening skills self esteem / confidence organised. Equipment / kit attendance punctuality T. RISARD 45 á à â ä æ Indicator of Routes for Year 7:  Working at Route 1 (Foundation)  Working at Route 23 (developing)  Working at Route 45 (securing)  Working at Route 67 (Exceeding)  Working at Route 89 (Excelling) Using these arrows will allow staff to see an overall indication of how well the students are doing & which route they are working at (average of all arrows)


14 Assessment strategy triangle…
Written evidence? Teacher observations Dialogue with pupils



17 Mini plenaries and exit plans……


19 Assessing Learning

20 Assessing Learning

21 Assessing Learning

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